Bullfrog to Buoy 83 09/26-09/30

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Just returned from four beautiful days at Powell – Water temp 75-77- water very clear where we stayed just under an arch south of 83- Bullfrog north buoy field slightly murky --

SMB were numerous / healthy but small – Striper fishing with anchovies at the entry to Lake Canyon was good as usual - Striper conditions varied from very healthy to very skinny –

Met a few guys at the Halls store who asked me about numerous “shinners” that they saw in Halls Creek Canyon floating belly up// swimming in circles— I had not a clue what they were describing as I had not personally seen what they were describing. I don’t believe that I have seen a “shinner” but perhaps I just don’t know what they look like - Any thoughts?

Looks like conditions start to go downhill for a few days –

Be safe all that venture out next week!
They described the fish as being 5" to 6" long and elongated /// Again I did not see them so this was second hand info
Gizzard shad would be my guess but I don't know why they would be stressed with the lake and air temperature cooling. It may be an oxygen problem in that canyon
They described the fish as being 5" to 6" long and elongated /// Again I did not see them so this was second hand info

Here are some larger threadfin shad. Gizzard shad are a bit bulkier in the mid section;


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We saw a lot of them up in GHB. They were all larger 15"+ gizzard shad that were flailing around on the surface. We netted a few of them to use as cut bait....
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So I wonder why in two areas they are on the surface -- Good Hope certainly has better water flow than Halls -- These are questions for Mr. G !

There is only one good explanation that comes to mind. Water temperature staying warmer a month later may have prolonged Gizzard shad spawning season and allowed some fish to spawn again. Spawning is not always nice for shad and many die from the experience. Stressed fish could be reacting to spawning stress.

Other times there have been oxygen depletions in certain arms of the lake that stress all fish in that area. It does not make sense to have only gizzard shad react to low oxygen. Let me know if it continues or goes away.
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