Bucket List question

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Well-Known Member
Here's a question for you North End old timers. For a long time, ever since I saw a photo on Google Earth, I've wanted to see "Battleship Rock" in White Canyon, from the water. With the water levels being what they have been for some time now, there hasn't been much chance of that. With this years runoff, I wondered what my chances were of making it in there. I looked at the photo in G. Earth this morning and, according to the caption, the picture was "posted" March 12, 2010. I then looked up the water level for that date and saw that it was 3620 or so. I also know that the mouths of White and Farleys' have silted in somewhat over the years, making them landlocked during low levels. Our boat draws about three feet of water to the bottom of the outdrive skeg, but I start getting nervous at around 5 feet of water. What do you think of my chances this fall, say, the last week of September or the first week of October?

The last two times we've been behind battleship is spring of 2010 and July of 2012, water elevations were 3618-20 and then 3631, great fishing back there when water allows. I also know boats were fishing in White from this spring 30 feet ago. Hope this helps.

Thanks Preston, As I recall (could be wrong here) the report from the boat fishing White had hand launched from the road into White due to the silt at the mouth. I'd really like to boat in and tie up for a day or two, take pictures and fish :D for stripers!
I know that one but the one I'm thinking was a bigger sized nitro that made it into white and killed the Crappie and walleye back in there. Probably couldn't get back to battleship then but certainly made it into the mouth of white. You should be fine this fall, we'll camp in Farley and make sure to head back there in a couple weeks and give a better report.
Thanks Preston, I'll look forward to your scouting this out! Gold Cup, thanks for Tony's pic! I'd like to tie up near the bottom of that little gulch just to the right of the big rock in the foreground! Kinda miss the Redneck Geezer too.

You can definitely make it now. I ran my bass boat up there in the spring but it was going through the rapids then. At that time white ended right at battleship rock but like Preston said that was 30+ feet lower. I'm actually curious if we will be able to make it to the back where it opens up and there are trees everywhere. It's been a long time since I've seen that
Yes, I'm sure you will be able to get beyond the curve, with our high water level this year, Greg. I have an old photo, of me standing on the very top of the conn. tower , which I think was only about 10-12' long...
Thanks Tyme2, I just hope there's enough water left at the end of September to get in and back out! That's the soonest I'll be able to be there. Guess I'll have to go back through the old posts (hope they're still there) to see what the water level was when folks were reporting that it was silted in.

Butch, I don't know what it is, but something has always fascinated me about seeing that spot!

Yeah Greg, the old days we were very adventurous and scouted almost any canyon we could navigate. Sure saw a lot of wild, wonderful things. It amazes me, what a difference an income and low prices makes..
We are currently about 15' higher than a year ago at this time. If releases are similar to last year then in September we should still be about 15' above last years level. I'm thinking that the Battleship will be "floating" nicely in the fall, and some of the canyon/s around the corner should be good fishing as well. See you there Labor Day weekend.
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