Bob Hirsch and Stan Jones

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Escalante-Class Member
A good friend gave me his copy of 'Fishin' Like Powell' by Bob Hirsch and Stan Jones, published in 1983.

I was not familiar with the book until he handed to me last week. I was away serving in USCG when it was released. A lot fishing history from the early LP days in the book and some great photos.Scan_20190628 (9)_resize_68.jpgScan_20190628 (8)_resize_87.jpg
I was fortunate to fish with Bob Hirsch on I believe his last fishing trip to Lake Powell. He interviewed Wayne in my boat. He was a nice man and a lot of fun to fish with. I always enjoyed listening to him on the radio and at the sports shows as well as reading his articles. With the possible exception of Ben Avery and perhaps Jack O'Connor, I believe Bob was the most influential outdoor journalist who ever worked in Arizona. :)

Ed Gerdemann
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