Biting Flies

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New Member
We were just at Lake Powell from Friday to Wednesday.

The biting dog flies are terrible. Like terrible. I have never seen flies like this at Lake Powell in the past 13 years of going. Each passing day of camping is worse than the 1st as they apparently realize you are there.

In an effort to help others out, bring some bug deterant wafers (non flammable recommended) etc. Nothing like waking up in the morning covered in a fly horde.

Bug spray was working well, but wish I had several of those BBQ area bug things to place around the boat, the trash, and the cook area.
I have not had any problems with flies, biting or non. What part of The Lake are you talking about?
Funny, as I was thinking on my last trip earlier this month that there are not nearly as many flies this year as past years - this is on the South end. -Doug
I haven't been down since late spring and didn't have an issue. I'll find out mid Sept. I guess. Sq
The biting flies were bad at the end of July and bad this past week. We were in Red Canyon both times. They were bad out on the water trolling or working shore lines and not just at camp.
South End, I haven't encountered any this year. Last year I did in Face Canyon, but then none whatsoever only 2 weeks later literally 5 miles from that spot in Cookie Jar. It has been sporadic on the South end...
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