BF January 1,2,3

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Just back from annual winter fishing trip. Temps. were in the teens each morning and so I did not launch boat. Friday afternoon the temp. rose above freezing but the wind kicked up a little too. So we only fished from off houseboat. We averaged about 10 stripers each per day. Also landed a walleye, a largemouth and 3 or 4 catfish. All on anchovies. Tried spoons with no success even though a few of the fish had shad in them. About a quarter of the fish were a little skinny but the rest had good fillets. The fillet work was mighty cold on the fingers. Largest fish was maybe 4 lbs.
We did not see any other anglers or any boaters. Did see one ranger in uniform working. Did notice some Aramark employees working. The snow never completely melted. Water temp. 47.
We did a trip the first week of January once. I remember seeing something like -17*F outside of Green River.

Ran the furnace and two electric heaters in the houseboat to stay warm.

Checked a January trip off the bucket list. I don’t think I will be back in January anytime soon.
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