Best Spring stripers

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New Member
Is mid April thru early May a good time for the stripers? I want to plan a week long fishing trip for around this time and want to know which would be best. I have fished Lake Powell a couple of times and it was at least 10 years ago.
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I usally fish for everything else this time of year, but it can be really good for Striper's to. If you keep on Wayne word's, until you go, you will know more about what's going on at that time. That is some of your best fishing time of the year.
Have a good one
WE planned our week long fishing trips around the time you are asking about. The many windows that open and close(spawns, water temps,feeding patterns, etc.) during this period has run the gambit from awesome to mediocre. Add the weather and you can be sure you won't know what you're getting into untill you're into it.
This has been our mantra since 2006 when I moved from Page. We book a houseboat months in advance to get an off season rate and that makes it more of a throw of the dice. Seven people, most still working, can't just drop everything and go fishing. Much planning is involved so we take what we get. This yeat we left May 12th and it rained everyday. 30 mile an hour winds were not uncommon and one night it blew a sustained 70 mph. The fishing was so so at best. We changed our strategy and decided to change our days to the fall. We left Oct. 18th and were very excited. It blew about 40mph our first night in Oak and then was beautiful for the next six days but we were in the middle of the shad overload situation and fishing was extremely tough. We combined some sightseeing which put us up the Escalante and MM 75 area. We fished the whole time and one day our most productive fisherman caught 2 fish. It was one of the only times I out fished him, I caught 3. We were beached at the mouth of the San Juan and fished it hard up to the great bend. Very slow but did get into 1 small boil, that was a blast since most of the time it was so slow. I guess my point is that there is a little magic going on when you are lucky enough to hit everything just right. When someone can predict that, you will see 1,000 fishermen on the lake. The anticipation and hopes are what keep us going back.. And of course being at the most beautiful place on earth doesn't hurt. Good luck. Oh, and yes we are going back in the spring cause all those fat fish are waiting for us. The weather will cooperate. Won't it?
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WE planned our week long fishing trips around the time you are asking about. The many windows that open and close(spawns, water temps,feeding patterns, etc.) during this period has run the gambit from awesome to mediocre. Add the weather and you can be sure you won't know what you're getting into untill you're into it.
This has been our mantra since 2006 when I moved from Page. We book a houseboat months in advance to get an off season rate and that makes it more of a throw of the dice. Seven people, most still working, can't just drop everything and go fishing. Much planning is involved so we take what we get. This yeat we left May 12th and it rained everyday. 30 mile an hour winds were not uncommon and one night it blew a sustained 70 mph. The fishing was so so at best. We changed our strategy and decided to change our days to the fall. We left Oct. 18th and were very excited. It blew about 40mph our first night in Oak and then was beautiful for the next six days but we were in the middle of the shad overload situation and fishing was extremely tough. We combined some sightseeing which put us up the Escalante and MM 75 area. We fished the whole time and one day our most productive fisherman caught 2 fish. It was one of the only times I out fished him, I caught 3. We were beached at the mouth of the San Juan and fished it hard up to the great bend. Very slow but did get into 1 small boil, that was a blast since most of the time it was so slow. I guess my point is that there is a little magic going on when you are lucky enough to hit everything just right. When someone can predict that, you will see 1,000 fishermen on the lake. The anticipation and hopes are what keep us going back.. And of course being at the most beautiful place on earth doesn't hurt. Good luck. Oh, and yes we are going back in the spring cause all those fat fish are waiting for us. The weather will cooperate. Won't it?
Henceforth, Powell Fishing 2019 shall be known as “the shad overload situation” lol.
I think the shad #s should be well down by spring, since the stripers will be eating them all winter!

We almost always do a 5 day trip between early April to early May, and it is usually very good fishing for all species..... mentioned above, the weather is the deciding factor. Warming temperatures and calmer winds will stimulate all game species. We always plan a window where we hope to make trip down, then pick the best weather to go within that time frame. Flexibility and traveling when the conditions are warming is the difference between fishing and catching 😊
WE planned our week long fishing trips around the time you are asking about. The many windows that open and close(spawns, water temps,feeding patterns, etc.) during this period has run the gambit from awesome to mediocre. Add the weather and you can be sure you won't know what you're getting into untill you're into it.
This has been our mantra since 2006 when I moved from Page. We book a houseboat months in advance to get an off season rate and that makes it more of a throw of the dice. Seven people, most still working, can't just drop everything and go fishing. Much planning is involved so we take what we get. This yeat we left May 12th and it rained everyday. 30 mile an hour winds were not uncommon and one night it blew a sustained 70 mph. The fishing was so so at best. We changed our strategy and decided to change our days to the fall. We left Oct. 18th and were very excited. It blew about 40mph our first night in Oak and then was beautiful for the next six days but we were in the middle of the shad overload situation and fishing was extremely tough. We combined some sightseeing which put us up the Escalante and MM 75 area. We fished the whole time and one day our most productive fisherman caught 2 fish. It was one of the only times I out fished him, I caught 3. We were beached at the mouth of the San Juan and fished it hard up to the great bend. Very slow but did get into 1 small boil, that was a blast since most of the time it was so slow. I guess my point is that there is a little magic going on when you are lucky enough to hit everything just right. When someone can predict that, you will see 1,000 fishermen on the lake. The anticipation and hopes are what keep us going back.. And of course being at the most beautiful place on earth doesn't hurt. Good luck. Oh, and yes we are going back in the spring cause all those fat fish are waiting for us. The weather will cooperate. Won't it?
Mother Nature is a redhead.....
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