Baked Sunrise Striper - John Lassandro

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1 striper fillet
Orange juice
1 Vandalia onion
2 oranges
1 lemon

Marinate the fillet in orange juice for about 6 hours. Discard the orange juice you used to marinate.

Place heavy duty aluminum foil inside your baking pan. Put the fillet in the middle. Pour new orange juice until it covers the rockfish about half way. Cover the top of the fillet with sliced Vandalia onions. Cover the sliced onions with sliced orange. Cover the orange slices with sliced lemon. Seal the aluminum foil to retain the juices while baking.

Bake at 400 degrees until fish flakes easily.

When done, remove the cooked orange slices and lemon slices.

Before serving, squeeze fresh orange juice over the fillet. Serve with the onion slices on top and garnish with orange slices.
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