Art Greene-Wahweap Marina.

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Miss those good ‘ol days when they let us park on the ramp.

But then again, in that photo it looks like the ramp is actually dry. I wonder if that was when the lake was still fillling...?
Miss those good ‘ol days when they let us park on the ramp.

But then again, in that photo it looks like the ramp is actually dry. I wonder if that was when the lake was still fillling...?

If you look at the ramp this had to be in the mid-60's when still filling. My husband had slide pictures of the ramp during his first visit in 1965 and they showed how the ramp curved back toward the dam - you can see it in the pic in the brochure. I still have all those old slides, need to go through them and see if they are still good and made an attempt to preserve them.
Man that brings back memories, my family back on the 4th of July weekend 1963 when it first opened stayed at that hotel and boated on the lake, halfway through the weekend we had to leave and go to Page as John f Kennedy and Robert Kennedy families came to open the new national park and with secret service took over the entire motel. The lake was several hundred feet lower than it is today and let me tell you even then there was a lot of lake.
In one of the photos on the brochure, you can see boats moored on buoy's on the far east side of Wahweap bay across from the marina with the top of Tower Butte in the background. Several years ago (2005?) when the water was very low, some of those buoy's broke the surface of the water while you could see others still cabled underneath the water a few feet like a mine bomb. We considered mooring to one of them for a few hours as they are in a great location, but smartened up after thinking how long they must have been underwater. It was pretty eerie to see actually. But the looked relatively clean for being underwater for years. I imagine today they would be encrusted with mussels. Sad. But it's great to see how they were actually used in the photo as I never have seen or heard of these buoys being there. Thanks for posting the brochure!
Things have changed a bit since then.😬View attachment 5665View attachment 5666
That helicopter had a bad day back in 2017. Were those pics taken this year?

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