Anything Else?

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Active Member
To those that have been down recently, are any of you targeting anything else besides stripers? Although I do like hooking stripers I'm more curious if any walleye, crappie, or bluegill being are being caught with any consistency this time of year?
Jan-Feb are the slow months for most species besides stripers. Warming water is the key. Right now surface temperatures range from 48-52. If you see a rapid rise in temperature then it would be possible to get an early start on catching bass, crappie etc. The target temperature is 57F - when you see that fishing picks up for all species.

Air temperature is forecast to hit 65F today. It takes a while to get the deep water to start warming. If it does I will put that info out. You may have noticed that the water temperature is included in every fish report. I did not do a report this week because I see no difference in fish behavior this week compared to last. I report a weekly fish report beginning in March.
Wayne, I'm curious how the water temperature, change's from surface, to the deeper water, have you ever done any study on that, and if so, what depth's doe's it change?
Wayne, I'm curious how the water temperature, change's from surface, to the deeper water, have you ever done any study on that, and if so, what depth's doe's it change?

In most winter seasons the surface cools and water temperature is the same top to bottom. This year may be a bit different since it has taken such a long time to cool down to 48 F.
Next, in the spring time the water warms into the 60s and a separation layer begins with warm water on the surface which is separated from the cold layer below by the "thermocline". In late spring the warm layer is only a 5-10 feet thick. As it continues to warm in the summer the warm layer increases to 30-50 feet thick. In the early fall the warm layer is at its thickest and then when it cools from the top down it finally mixes with a strong wind in November or early December.
Thanks Wayne, I appreciate the info I've allway's thought about that, but just never ask.
Have a good one.
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