Anyone else getting a blank page for the LP water database page?

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Water temps holding at 70 in Wahweap Bay. Warm days cant keep up with the tremendous inflows. Arrrgh!!!!
I'm getting nothing this AM at

Seems my hosting company was doing something as it was down for about 20 minutes this am. I called them to figure out what was going on (as I could access everything via the back end tools I have) and it came back up. They had no explanation.

It is not the first time that has happened but not very much fun when I am getting over 1000 page views an hour...

Just glad it was not down very long and I apologize for any inconvenience

Water temps holding at 70 in Wahweap Bay. Warm days cant keep up with the tremendous inflows. Arrrgh!!!!

Actually, the water coming into Powell has little or nothing to do with the water temps that Wayne reports into our system. Because the water coming into Powell via the Colorado is colder and denser than the surface water, it dives well below the surface and is probable 40 or more feet down by the time it gets to Good Hope and this simply adds to the thermocline.

Wayne takes the water temp measurements at the docks in Wahweap and his thermometer might be down only 6 inches or less.
Surface Water Temp has been holding at 70F early in the morning for the past few days. The temp goes up to 75 or more in the daytime. Then as the air temp cools in the evening it drops back down to 70 (especially if the wind blows and mixes warm surface water with cooler deeper water). This is also the process that warms the lake. As the warm surface layer gets thicker the mixing process causes the lake surface temperature to get thicker. Eventually the surface water will be 75-80 degrees down as deep as 20-30 feet. The warm layer is separated from the cold deeper layer by a "thermocline" that gradually deepens through the summer.
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