Anyone been to Choal/Pinion Falls recently?

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Joel Belmont

Active Member
Looking to hike up to the falls next week. Last time I tried was in spring, and couldn't get past an hour of endless knee deep muck.

I'm sure there's some muck to be dealt with, but looking for any advice on the best approach from a boat, and if there's still water running at the falls.

We hiked there Memorial weekend. Paddle boarded through the shallow water end of Navajo about 1 mile to start hiking. Lots of mud to get through the first mile or two of the hike, after that it was great with flowing water in the canyon up to & past Chaol falls. It was about a 14 mile round trip to the falls at lake elevation 3611.

This time of year there should be less much but with the lower lake elevation the hike distance will be a bit longer.

Well worth the trip, plan on an all day adventure to be able to relax and enjoy time at the falls.
Watch the weather next week. Supposed to be a lot of tropical moisture in the area. Possible heavy rain.
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