Is it just me, or is this coming fishing season on Lake Powell one of the most exiting and anticipated?
I'm totally excited about catching a hundred 3+ pounders in a single day!
Delta Company, 6th Engineer Support Battalion!Chris,
First what battalion were you in as a jarhead?
Secondly, I am heading down on the 4th for five days and I am so wound up, that I can’t sit still. I just keep hoping for more and more snow.
That’s the fish you cleaned for us. 28” and about 6 pounds if memory serves. keep us in the loop on what you find catches em this year!!That fish you are holding in the picture would be about 3 inches fatter if you caught it today. Yes, you should be excited about the coming season. I will try to keep up with the fat, healthy fish and give you insight before your first trip. It is going to be a great year but there will be some differences in how we catch fish in 2020.
Thank you for your service!OK you two. I was a Captain in the USMC from 1969 - 1973. Spent my deployment in Okinawa instead of Viet Nam.
A quick salute with a fin and a sharp "YES SIR" would also be appropriate.Wayne,
I am surprised that you don’t have the stripers in formation and jumping into your boat in an orderly fashion.