And then there's this...

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When does this swamp get drained?

At this point if people don't see how corrupt every single government agency has become they are not paying attention. I am loving both our Secreatay or Interior and Pruitt at EPA, both are really good, strong and active guys - rather than seat-fillers! I almost think Pruitt is up against the worst of the worst entrenched lifers who have learned how they can create these superfund sites to create a lifetime employment for themselves.
At this point if people don't see how corrupt every single government agency has become they are not paying attention. I am loving both our Secreatay or Interior and Pruitt at EPA, both are really good, strong and active guys - rather than seat-fillers! I almost think Pruitt is up against the worst of the worst entrenched lifers who have learned how they can create these superfund sites to create a lifetime employment for themselves.

I would bet my last dollar that Gina McCarthy, with Obama's approval, deliberately created this spill to create another Superfund site, and put another bullet into the mining industry they desperately tried to destroy! Everyone involved in this crime needs serious prison time! Hopefully, Pruitt can get rid of the Obama plants and either clean up or shut down this totally unnecessary leftist bureaucracy! The EPA has been in existence for 40 years, and has nothing to show for it except tiny cars that kill more people, the elimination of millions of jobs, and the waste of $$billions of taxpayer money! They have done absolutely nothing to improve the environment!!!
Secretary Pruitt needs to suspend every action of the EPA, and put every employee on unpaid leave until it can be determined who is needed and what actual environmental issues need to be addressed. The rest should be terminated. Criminal felony charges should be filed against Gina McCarthy and all of her stooges involved in her deliberate Gold King spill! She needs to be held financially responsible for the damage she caused! That should be a good enough message to sent to the rest of Obama's criminal thugs!
It will be interesting to watch the rats jump the Obozo ship!
I just read the employees are union and they are suing Pruitt for being too strict on them...... can't make this stuff up.
And Pruitt has not even fired their worthless a**es yet! Fire the bastards, lock them out of their offices, and let it go all the way to the Supreme Court! Look how much money we will save with this worthless bureaucracy shut down for a while! If they don't like it, criminally charge them with aiding and abetting McCarthy's criminal activity at Gold King!
Can we stop the swearing and just make comments instead!

They are union, he can't fire them unless congress changes the rules like they did two weeks ago for the VA where 200 were just fired for not doing their jobs.
Can we stop the swearing and just make comments instead!

They are union, he can't fire them unless congress changes the rules like they did two weeks ago for the VA where 200 were just fired for not doing their jobs.

Works for me!!
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