8/10 to 8/20 Trip

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Staff member
Spent 10 fabulous days on the lake. We vacationed with our houseboat partners for the first time, with them acting as captain. It gave us a new perspective on the lake and hosting guests. If you talked to us separately about our Powell experiences you'd likely think we vacationed at completely different locations. Their focus is hiking slot canyons, and our is fishing, skiing and floating.

Camped new Register Rock, which was a completely new experience as we are normally 10+ miles up the San Juan. Had to find brand new hot spots for fishing. We did locate a family of otters on the main channel (east side near MM 62), and had decent luck fishing.

Tuesday wasn't our best day - an inexperienced jet skier put the first dings in the new Ranger (and ding is an understatement), but no one was hurt which is what counts.

Haze was pretty bad on Saturday and Sunday, but we had a good week.


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Spent 10 fabulous days on the lake. We vacationed with our houseboat partners for the first time, with them acting as captain. It gave us a new perspective on the lake and hosting guests. If you talked to us separately about our Powell experiences you'd likely think we vacationed at completely different locations. Their focus is hiking slot canyons, and our is fishing, skiing and floating.

Camped new Register Rock, which was a completely new experience as we are normally 10+ miles up the San Juan. Had to find brand new hot spots for fishing. We did locate a family of otters on the main channel (east side near MM 62), and had decent luck fishing.

Tuesday wasn't our best day - an inexperienced jet skier put the first dings in the new Ranger (and ding is an understatement), but no one was hurt which is what counts.

Haze was pretty bad on Saturday and Sunday, but we had a good week.

Oh man,
it even pains me to think of a ding in that new Ranger...so sorry to hear that...that's why I will likely never have anything new, LOL...not sure I could handle it...

Thanks for the pictures, I really want to see some otters one day!

I expect to be on the Lake next weekend with my son and granddaughter for two days of fishing. Hope we have something good to report, besides it being busy.
Appreciate you’ve sharing the pain, but in the grand scheme no one was injured, which could easily have happened. The jet ski driver was trying to grab ropes to avoid the collision and could easily have been pulled off into the steel hull.
Sometimes I have to remind myself that people are more important than things. Well, some people.
Love the pictures. Looks like a great spot to camp. Thanks for the report, pain and all.

Stoked you had a great trip! I spent some time this summer in Navajo Cyn watching a small tribe of otters. They were squawking a bit at each other, and luckily I had my field glasses to scope a great view. First time I'd ever seen any...BTW, you have a great attitude about the dereliction incident. You are right, better to stay positive.
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