Launched at Stateline Wednesday afternoon and got camp set up in warm creek by about 330. My buddy and I fished for a few hours and caught about 45 smallies or so with a few over two pounds and a catfish. My buddy used a Texas rig dark green crawfish plastic and I used a 1/4 oz jig head with a 5” green pumpkin Yamamoto hula grub. Both seemed to catch an equal amount. Next morning got up and fished a couple more hours and did about the same as the night before with a striper and walleye mixed in. Wind hit Thursday afternoon and we didn’t leave camp to fight the gusts. Fished labyrinth and gunsight Friday morning and fishing was steady, but not The best I’ve seen. Got caught in another bad wind storm on our way back at about 2:00 and stayed at camp for the rest of the evening. Felt like we were at sea. Saturday was great weather but the fishing was definitely slower. Seemed like a 4” hula grub on a 1/8 oz jig head did better. Caught a handful of striper in Navajo that we’re all healthy. Water temp 62-67. All in all a great trip on Powell, lots of fun with 2 buddies, my dad, and uncle.