2019 pheasants

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
Well, once again it seems that my job is making me choose between a fall Powell trip vs a fall pheasant trip.

I love Lake Powell, but I can’t pass up the opener in SoDak.

The trip this year was different than past. The Dakotas got hammered with about 16” of snow two weeks before we went. They also have suffered through an incredibly wet year.

So all the crops are still up. And there was still feet of snow in the corn. Made for difficult hunting (Relatively speaking).

Saturday was opening day. And while we had to walk more than other openers, we were successful.

Sunday was one of the most miserable hunting days I’ve ever had. Forecast called for rain, but only said 1/10 “ accumulation. So I dressed with that in mind. And was disappointed to see it start to rain as we got into the field. And never stopped. By an hour in I was cold and miserable. And things just got worse.

We ended up hunting about 3 1/2 hours until everyone had enough.

Weather on Monday was the same as Sunday. But I was prepared for it, and wore my waterproof clothing. Very glad I invested in good stuff, as I had a much better day.

The demographics of our trip have changed. We have gone from people that stayed out late every night to people who are back in the hotel my midnight and meeting for breakfast at 8.

Lots of changes in the dogs as well. The “superstars” have also grown old or gone. I was worried if Big Blue MOOSE could step up his game. But that was definitely unfounded. He had his best trip ever. Multiple points. 30+ retrieves. Always seemed to be in the right place. At 8 years old he has really hit his stride.

This trip is not about the birds, but about reuniting with old friends - people we only see once per year. And it will be memorable in many ways. We’ve been making this trip for over 25 years now. I’d love to continue for another 25.
And from the extreme of a big group to hunting solo, MOOSE and I went out for our opener for Colorado.

Bird count is down. Early reports were for tough hunting. I planned on going all the way to Nebraska, but decided I didn’t want to drive that far if I didn’t have to.

I called someone who has allowed me to hunt his property before and he was kind enough to grant me permission again.

We saw birds almost immediately. MOOSE had three rock solid points on hens before we found a rooster. The wind was playing games with him so this one was further ahead than I thought it would be. I connected on him but I could see he had his legs when he went down. And he ran into the corn. We looked for a solid 20 minutes before giving up.

The second bird I connected with went down in wheat stubble. And ran. And ran. And then flew. And the. Ran some more. But MOOSE was up to the task, and brought that one home.

All in all, MOOSE had six solid points and two retrieves.

If anyone reading is a hunter, you REALLY need to get behind a good pointer at some point in your life. It makes the hunt so much more enjoyable. I’m lucky that I am blessed with a truly special dog.
Looks like good times.
Our pheasants are all gone. Haven’t seen a wild bird in years.
Glad I got a few way back when.
What does it cost to hunt South Dakota?
Ryan I love reading your post each year. This year will be 11 or 12 in a row for me to spend a week in South Dakota, really looking forward to it, your post was very helpful on what to expect. We’re going much later than usual, December 6, maybe that will give time for the crops to get out of the field.

We usually take two dogs for 4 to 5 hunters. One of those two dogs died about two months ago and it’s left us scrambling, wondering what to do. I wish we had another good dog like yours to go with us!
Looks like good times.
Our pheasants are all gone. Haven’t seen a wild bird in years.
Glad I got a few way back when.
What does it cost to hunt South Dakota?
I think the out of state license is about $125. We pay a daily trespass fee to hunt private ground. But there is a lot of public available as well. I’d like to do one more trip up there this year but I’m not sure it is in the cards.
Makes me miss pheasant hunting! Lived in Colorado for years before moving to southern Utah. Last time i had my old Lab out was for duck hunting. Makes me miss him as well. At 12.5 yrs old, hed flat get after the birds. Thanks for the pics of the birds guys and happy hunting
Ryan I love reading your post each year. This year will be 11 or 12 in a row for me to spend a week in South Dakota, really looking forward to it, your post was very helpful on what to expect. We’re going much later than usual, December 6, maybe that will give time for the crops to get out of the field.

We usually take two dogs for 4 to 5 hunters. One of those two dogs died about two months ago and it’s left us scrambling, wondering what to do. I wish we had another good dog like yours to go with us!
I'm not sure what to expect on the crops. Speculation was that they wouldn't be out until March.

I looked at a December hunt a few years ago. Canceled due to terribly cold weather. I would really like to hear how you do. I'll be hunting Kansas that weekend.
And from the extreme of a big group to hunting solo, MOOSE and I went out for our opener for Colorado.

Bird count is down. Early reports were for tough hunting. I planned on going all the way to Nebraska, but decided I didn’t want to drive that far if I didn’t have to.

I called someone who has allowed me to hunt his property before and he was kind enough to grant me permission again.

We saw birds almost immediately. MOOSE had three rock solid points on hens before we found a rooster. The wind was playing games with him so this one was further ahead than I thought it would be. I connected on him but I could see he had his legs when he went down. And he ran into the corn. We looked for a solid 20 minutes before giving up.

The second bird I connected with went down in wheat stubble. And ran. And ran. And then flew. And the. Ran some more. But MOOSE was up to the task, and brought that one home.

All in all, MOOSE had six solid points and two retrieves.

If anyone reading is a hunter, you REALLY need to get behind a good pointer at some point in your life. It makes the hunt so much more enjoyable. I’m lucky that I am blessed with a truly special dog.
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My buddies and I were supposed to go to imperial for our annual weekend but the numbers are really down thanks to some nasty hailstorms. Heading to salt water to fish for four days instead but good to see birds.

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