Well-Known Member
I was looking for the name of the bill that was in the news several weeks ago detailing how money is spent in the parks. I wanted to read those articles again if someone remembers what the bill is called. But during that search I came across the NPS budget for next year. It’s a 417 page document and I certainly haven’t read all of it but came away with some information about services and budget that will affect everyone. The numbers are of the park system as a whole. Glen Canyon might be plus or minus in any category if there is an enity that researches and allocates at needs. It would be interesting to see the specific numbers for GC. Overall the whole spending budget is cut or down about 6%. ( for ease of your research these categories are stated in order re document. Natural Resource Stewardship down 22.5 % (management of natural resources/detecting management of invasive species), Cultural Resource Stewardship down 10%, Interpretation and education down 27% ( Informs re regulations among other things, Commercial Services down 8% ( oversees concession contracts/leases ) Volunteers in Parks Programs down 58%, Youth Partnership down 46%, Law enforcement and Protection down 8.7 % Health and Safety down 9%, ........... This is not all of items but I’m seeing a pattern Some categories are harder to calculate based on Activity, sub activity, Line Component. Sure welcome any other help in deciphering all of this. Bottom line line seems to be that NPS is being asked to do more with less.