11th to the 17th north report

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sherman mconell

Active Member
well better late than never we spent a week on the big pond fishing from lake canyon north. We found a few fish at lake canyon about mid canyon there were a few popping around but there were more down around 30 to 60 feet willing to take a spoon. We also found fish in the back of bullfrog bay willing to take a spoon but if you really want to put meat in the boat go to GOOD HOPE. The fish are in good hope and very willing to feed if you are willing to change to fit there needs. We only seen one really good boil but we managed to put 90 to 100 fish per day in the boat and we were only fishing until noon due to water skiers and the over whelming heat . Here is what we were doing first off most of are fish came on jigging spoons, the spoons that were working for use were the Howard spoon with a twist the 2 once in solid white we tried all colors but the solid white that I had made my self seamed to out fish every thing. we would see a few fish popping the top in a general area and head that way keeping a close eye on the finder and just like clock work there they were from 20 feet to 80 feet stacked up like cord wood just drop the jig and start working it some time it was on the drop and some time it was speed reeling but once you got them going it was like an under water boil . The fish are moving and Cumming will not hold them in one place we found out so we stayed moving around and we didn't have to move very far most of the time. What a week we had averaging 70 plus miles per day we burned 110 gallons of fuel and fished a full 7 days it was great to see old friends agene CHET,HOT WHEELS AND MISTER D one morning MisterD, Hot Wheels and use all enjoyed the same boil in good hope that was a blast.
Hi Sherm, It was great seeing you and Shelly again. The Mr D pontoon was Wayne and Kathy Dorsett. Old time friends and fishing buddies. You Nailed it on the head with your report. We fished Monday -Thursday. We left Bullfrog each morning and headed up to GHB at daylight. It was the same each morning as you reported. We also got into good boils up by pop corn, or just before get the Red canyon on east side. Also was a good spoon bite there also. Also meet up with Flipper he was the one in the white lund next to us. We took over 200 fish back home with us. Although the boils were good we did catch more Stripers on spoons. It was good seeing everyone there and everyone catching fish. :)
Hi Sherm, It was great seeing you and Shelly again. The Mr D pontoon was Wayne and Kathy Dorsett. Old time friends and fishing buddies. You Nailed it on the head with your report. We fished Monday -Thursday. We left Bullfrog each morning and headed up to GHB at daylight. It was the same each morning as you reported. We also got into good boils up by pop corn, or just before get the Red canyon on east side. Also was a good spoon bite there also. Also meet up with Flipper he was the one in the white lund next to us. We took over 200 fish back home with us. Although the boils were good we did catch more Stripers on spoons. It was good seeing everyone there and everyone catching fish. :)
it was good to see you also we ended up with 386 taken home
Gold cup used my American Angler electric knife I had for 20 years. Needless to say it wasn't the stripers that did the knife in. Ha ha ha
I've never had luck spooning... and it seems I need to figure it out quick. Headed down to Bullfrog the 3rd week of Sept 16-24th... could use a lesson. Anyone going to be down there that week would be willing to do a quick clinic with me?
1. Watch the graph for a school of fish between 30 and 90 feet.
2. Stop directly over the school and drop spoons immediately so spoon gets down as quickly as possible.
3. Your spoon will stop falling when it hits bottom.
4. If fish are 10 feet off bottom reel up 4 turns and then jig the spoon with 3 foot jerks -let it fall after jerking it up and repeat.
5. If spoon will not fall back down that means a fish has it in its mouth.
6. If no hits after 5 jerks - speed reel well above the school holding depth- stop- then let it fall back to the bottom and start over with step 3.
Thanks Wayne... I'll try it... Do you have a suggestion for a reasonably priced graph that works well with Powell steep rock walls? Seems the one I have gets confused by them and I loose depth all the time.

Steep walls are a place to avoid when using a graph. The graph ping goes down 50-100 feet, then bounces off the wall and hits bottom before going back up to the graph. The results is a crazy looking dark spot which is often mistaken for fish.

Instead go into open water where the graph cannot see the steep wall and all you can see on the graph is the bottom. Here the ping goes to the bottom and then bounces back to the graph without any outside interference. Now when you see something that looks like fish, it is a school of fish. Drop spoons and go to work.

When spooning I seldom find stripers near steep walls. They like open water where they can attack shad.

Stripers on steep walls are targeted best with bait. They hold in deep water. They follow the wall to a shallow spot where the come up quickly to seek crayfish or sunfish. Then they go back down to deep water to cool off.

The big schools chasing shad are in open water chasing shad schools.
Never seen faster.....
I need a class. Filleting is my nemesis. We often choose to throw em back once we get to 10 or more fish because leaning over the fillet station or a table my back gets so fatigued from an old accident (broke my back and pelvis in 1990). I’d willingly pay someone $2 a fish just to let me watch. Wayne did a few for us one evening and it was obviously second nature. A skill honed over decades. I suppose practice makes perfect but my back doesn’t like to cooperate.
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