WIND Today!

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I had the highest registered wind gust I've ever had on my weather station wind meter on my boat at APM yesterday - 61 mph! My wind alarm is set at 40 and was going off much of the day yesterday. BTW, the highest wind gust I've registered before yesterday was 55 mph last summer. There have been several years that my wind meter has never reached even 50 mph - mid 40's hit regularly, but over that is rare even in the big summer thunderstorms (at least per my weather station).

At this moment there is a steady 25 mph wind - and it's been at least that high now for over 24 hours with another 12 hours expected at this level per the forecast. It would not be fun to be out on a beach today! -Doug
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We where in the San Juan. The wind gusts started that night. They sounded like a hurricane to me. They died off a bit in the morning but came back with a vengence. We left in the early afternoon. Almost took us double the time to get back to Bullfrog due to waves caused by the wind!
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