Concerned Soldier
Active Member
Woke up a few hours ago, as I do sometimes, remembering some of my old experiences with national emergencies it dawned upon me that one of the major reasons for the federal government to dam the Colorado River was the now mega agricultural corporations need to irrigate southern California and Arizona. They have complained in past years about the difficulty in getting the seasonal labor force into the country from Mexico due to the difficulties between our leaders. Which reminds me are we still helping (holding hostage)Mexico by storing their water allowance for them? Anyway now with the National Emergency created by the virus the borders have been closed by both Mexico and the United States as Mexico does not want the virus to spread into Mexico and the USA doesn't want to deal with the huge labor force gathering at the border should they be able to legally enter, get sick and overload our health system. Of course the mega agricultural corporations are going to be saved by the government most likely for the loss of this years and maybe next years crops. Fruits and vegetables will skyrocket in price so I would imagine the corporations would scale back irrigation to prolong the growth cycle in order to salvage what they can with whatever labor force they can gather this year. Maybe if they realize they can force the government to pay for full losses they will just quit using their water rights? I wonder if they can sell them? I assume the outflow to Mexico is monitored by one of our government agencies. I wonder if agricultural use is monitored to see if the allocation is being used as intended. I would imagine the president in times of a national emergency could insure the mega agricultural corporations couldn't receive federal money as well as sell water rights. At any rate it would seem as water is a valuable resource and we will need to make sure we have plenty to recover when this is over that outflows should be restricted to the minimum as it would be in the countries best interest to fill all the reservoirs, especially Mead and eventually Lake Powell. Why would we use water on a crop that can not be picked and processed when we could be storing it for the next years recovery?