Still snowing

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i'm so glad to see the snow pack where it is right now and hopefully continuing
to increase for a few weeks to a month yet, or perhaps we can also hope for another
miracle May too!? i for one will be rooting for that. :)

what i don't understand on the data site is that the river flow numbers drop so quickly.
i'm guessing that they're not accurate.
Dump coming in the Upper Green River drainage. Another one possible next week. Since it looks like my LP trip is on hold, I will just keep backcountry skiing while conditions are fantastic!!!
Looks like we're pretty much on track with 2014 and it came up 35 feet that year. Last year looks like it peaked around 3,621'ish so a peak this year around 3,635'ish would be another great year of cover for young of the year survival..
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