Escalante-Class Member
Fished the rincon and iceberg a little this weekend. Slow, but a few nice smallies. I am not very skilled with plastic stuff but I did catch a few nice ones on a watermelon grub with a jig head. Lake was busier than expected. Surprise of the trip for me was a gizzard shad. First cast from camp in the back of iceberg. Thought it was a striper as it came right up and hit my fly. Missed the first time with a bump, went down and came back up and took it. It fought really hard and I thought it was a striper at first. I could hardly believe it when I got it up. Huge gizzard shad. My wife was paddle boarding and I called her over to help me get a picture but the wind started gusting hard and by the time she got to the boat I was drifting into the trees and my dog was trying to eat the fish after it flopped off my boga into the boat. I did get it measured and weighed though. 18.5 inches and 4lbs on the dot. I tried to get some pics but did not do a good job. It ate a micro clouser with bead chain eyes. BTW Those things are slimy as heck, and if it was not for wanting to measure it I would not have touched it. Can't figure pics yet but if I do I will throw up what I have. Anyway, I saw temps about 67-68 and did not really fish hard but it was a great two days. So no striper activity at all. Flyramsey nice to meet you, hope you killed it.