Alright, with the very real possibility that May fishing may be lost this year , how do you feel about September fishing? We've done it a couple of times and its been great! Walleye slows down, but the last time we did September it turned out to be our Lake Powell mentors last trip. He was an avid Largemouth fisherman and at the time it had been a while since Largemouth had really been in the lake in any real numbers. On this trip however my buddy and I saw a boil pop up in front of us by Blue Notch and thinking it was Stripers we headed over. We cast into it and started hauling out Largemouth on every cast. By the time it ended we had caught every kind of fish in the lake except a Striper. It's the last time that happened and I like to think it was the lakes way of saying goodbye to my friend.
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