San Juan and back!

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Left Mesquite at 4am on Tuesday and traveled to the San Juan. Hoping to chase some boils and get some solitude. Was not going to happen. Traveled to Cha and sure enough there were 5 houseboats and surf boats to match. Needless to say I was disappointed. There were no boils on Tuesday night. Got up very early on Wed morning and headed toward the mouth of the San Juan. No boils as the wind was blowing 20 plus mph. Headed down to Friendship and out of the wind. No boils there either but there was the ever present surf boats and wake to match. Spent the night had a nice fish fry with the few we caught. Got up early once again and headed toward Antelope. Rolled into the final stretch at mile marker 10 and the whole river was boiling. Some boils and some slurps. Caught fish for 2 hours and actually got broken off twice. The fish are in great shape. There were 2 miles of slurps and boils starting at the mouth of Navajo Canyon. They were even slurping in Antelope marina and to the launch ramp. It was a good way to end a disappointing trip to the San Juan. Beef up your tackle. The stripers were still chasing very small shad, nothing over 1.5 inches in length. Keep downsizing the bait to small cast masters and small sassy shad under 3 inches long. Only caught one on full size top water. There were shad everywhere. Good luck.
Nice, glad you got into them, after paying the price. Did you weigh or measure any of them? Just curious about the size, on that end.
Thank's for the report, and have a good one.
I just returned from two days up the San Juan. I only saw a few boats water was glass. Boils all the way up. Mornings and evenings were more productive. Largest was 4 lbs and all were fat. Only caught one trolling. Hiked the ends of Wilson, Cha and Deep. Another great few days on The Lake. I was able to get away on a solo trip. So easy when you are by yourself. Caught probably 30. Did not take any food just fresh fish every night. 20190802_155712.jpg20190802_132212.jpg20190802_091123.jpg20190802_144900.jpg20190803_072736.jpg
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