Rock Creek Area 4/12-4/14

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Bob Heinrich

New Member
So after fishing this incredible body of water since 2010 ( spring and fall trips), I felt it was time to contribute with my first post. Especially since I read all other posts numerous times and gain tremendous insight to the current fishing environment.

Our group of four fisherman only target Small and Largemouth bass, with an occasional bystander getting hooked. We were concerned about being on lake a bit early in the season due to low water temps, but schedules didn't leave any other options.

We fished our go to spots, Dungeon, West and several smaller canyons. Buoys 29-39. Two solid 10 hour days of fishing, with one half day as well. Water temps ranged 52 to 62 degrees, warmer water in back canyons. Technique was to throw to shallow water and work it to deeper water, typically to 25 feet. All baits were soft plastics of varying styles, worms, creature, and grubs, mostly Yamamoto. Dark colors worked best. The fishing was very good and the small mouth were healthy and fat. Surprisingly very few dinks and mostly quality fish.

76-Small Mouth **68 released**
5-LargeMouth (2@2.5 lbs each) ** all released**
3-Striped Bass
1-Walleye ( 1.9 lbs)
1-Carp ( 14 lbs)
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So after fishing this incredible body of water since 2010 ( spring and fall trips), I felt it was time to contribute with my first post. Especially since I read all other posts numerous times and gain tremendous insight to the current fishing environment.

Our group of four fisherman only target Small and Largemouth bass, with an occasional bystander getting hooked. We were concerned about being on lake a bit early in the season due to low water temps, but schedules didn't leave any other options.

We fished our go to spots, Dungeon, West and several smaller canyons. Buoys 29-39. Two solid 10 hour days of fishing, with one half day as well. Water temps ranged 52 to 62 degrees, warmer water in back canyons. Technique was to throw to shallow water and work it to deeper water, typically to 25 feet. All baits were soft plastics of varying styles, worms, creature, and grubs, mostly Yamamoto. Dark colors worked best. The fishing was very good and the small mouth were healthy and fat. Surprisingly very few dinks and mostly quality fish.

76-Small Mouth **68 released**
5-LargeMouth (2@2.5 lbs each) ** all released**
3-Striped Bass
1-Walleye ( 1.9 lbs)
1-Carp ( 14 lbs)
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Thanks for your great fish report. It is much appreciated. Now your reports will be read numerous times by the next group coming to the lake.
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