Ramp closure should be for non residents only

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Considering the fact we shouldn’t be traveling and local boater program holders are responsible for doing there own boat it saves the staff from violating the social distance guidelines. Gas pumps are already open anyways. Btw Im not part of the local boater program anyways still think they should be allowed out there.
I live in the Denver area, but I can, if I choose, make it round trip to the lake and back without needing to stop. I'd still get fuel in my local station. I use no more food/groceries than when I am at home. And I can bring enough fuel to never need the marina. And the ANS/AIS program at Powell really holds no value for me as I have to be decontaminated in Colorado regardless of a Utah inspection.

Plus all the reasons that Squirrel said.

Bottom line, it should be open to everyone or no one. And I am of the opinion it should be open to everyone, all the time.
If things stay the course for now I would hazard a guess of three weeks until it COULD be opened. May 1 would be nice. Being the massive entity they are I am hoping they don’t keep it shut down anticipating an early second wave. My guess is Aramark is the big voice at the table advocating reopening. Funny how we are suddenly on the same side.

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