Quick north report

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Lance Cue

Well-Known Member
We put in early friday morning at bullfrog and went straight for moqui to find camp. Got camp set and warmed a breakfast burrito then went looking for fish. It was a terrible day for fishing but the weather was great. We searched all day till dark trying everything we could throw from moqui to back of bullfrog bay then back to moqui without landing a single fish in the boat. Best part of the day was a break for ice cream at halls sitting on the top deck above the store in the loung chairs looking over the lake.

Saturday left at daylight and headed north till the fuel gauge said we needed to stop. That landed us at white. Caught 4 striper right off the bat just into white. Continued to the back and trolled back out. Found catchable stripers from the north side of battleship to the mouth. Just kept making that pass back n forth till they stopped biting at about 2 or so. Went into farley and caught more right in the mouth. Trolled back into the canyon till we could see the camping area at the back. By there we had no more room for fish so had to stop and fillet. From there we trolled back and found a school right at the mouth. Spoons weren't working but trolling was so we just trolled back and forth a 200 yd stretch catching on every pass for the rest of the afternoon till we had to leave back to moqui. We caught fish pretty much everywhere in white and farley all day. Saw a boil at the mouth of white at 6:30 but we had to go. We stayed longer than we should've and got back to camp after dark, had such a hard time leaving while we were still catching! In the day with 3 hours of travel time at the best fishing times we caught about 40 stripers including five tripples and countless doubles with three guys in the boat. Not a 100 fish day like some claim but we are no experts and we were very happy. Crazy how we went from a no fish day to what we call an incredible day!

On another note I used my new helix 7 chirp di gps unit for the first time and it was awesome. On friday i thought it might not be working right or I just don't know how to use because I just couldn't find any fish, then saturday i realized that it does really work because there were fish everywhere! The gps was great on the way back to camp when it was pretty dark around knowles but I had my track to follow from the drive up in the morning. Even though I know that part of the lake well it did make things nice and more comfortable in the dark. The bright moon helped as well.

Sorry for the rambling but I am tired and thought I should post this before work takes over tomorrow.

BTW the weather was great with 80's, clear blue skys and very little W!
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Thanks for sending this report. It seems lakewide fishing has been tough and then, when fish are found, it is almost too easy. Thanks for the report and for letting me know I may be able to catch them trolling on my trip tomorrow.
Thanks for sending this report. It seems lakewide fishing has been tough and then, when fish are found, it is almost too easy. Thanks for the report and for letting me know I may be able to catch them trolling on my trip tomorrow.
I got on a pretty decent troll bite in halls creek Saturday early afternoon. Was marking lots of fish but didn't get a single hit until I kicked up the speed. I was running flicker shads as fast as I could without fouling them, 4.5mph. Any faster and they would start rolling and twisting the leadcore. About 4:30 pm they just quit and I wasn't able to get it going again the rest of the weekend. The worst fishing I've had all summer but the fish were nice and fat!
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