Quick Bullfrog Boil report

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
Got to Bullfrog on the 9th, got everything unloaded to the houseboat, got just past the bouy field headed to Hall's, and saw our first boil. Fish on, and Bryan Harrison, my son in law was hooked. Literally hooked, through the finger. So we had to go back to the House boat, to get cutter's, to cut off the hook, and remove it. It don't pay, to get in a hurry to fish, and leave thing's you might need.
Anyway, back to fishing. We got 14, for that short day of fishing, and Bryan. "HE HE" But not really funny.
My friend's from Colorado got there that night, and we got up a little late, but when we got out, it was Boil's from the start, We were using Walleye Assassin's, and I think they were Storm Shad bait's, they were White, with Red eye's, and they worked well. Both were 4''. The boil's were all over by the Bullfrog boat ramp, so we did'nt have to go far. We ended up with 72 for the morning, We went back out in the evening, and ran all over, to Forgotten canyon, but never saw any. We did go back to Bullfrog, and catch 7 more.
Friday the 11th, We were out early, and it was not so much as Boil's, but just running to a few fish, and catching several, at a time, until we would see a better boil, or 4 to 5 splashing, We have a huge cooler, that came off of my old buddy, ''Howard Oatman's" jet boat. And we filled that thing up, by 8:30 a.m, and had to go back to get annother cooler, we fished until they quit, 11:30 a.m, and went back to clean fish. We had 107 for the morning. IT was fun fishing, with a great bunch of guy's. We got back out, that evening, and it was quiet, no Boil's for us, anyway. We did catch a few more, but not many.

Saturday 12th, we got out out, expecting the same fishing, as the other two day's, and nothing, in Bullfrog, for us. We ran all the way to the Rincon, and the lake, could not have been any more calm, other then boat traffic, but we never saw a good boil. We fished the evening, and caught a very few more, but it was the end to another fun trip, with good people.
It was the first time to Powell, without a fish finder on my boat, so that made it hard, when there not on the surface.

I could not get my good freind Howard Oatman off of my mind, the whole trip. I think he was there with us.

You all have a good one.

Hey Kevin, good fishing report. I see you did not have to go far to catch'em Yes our last trip I had to pull two hooks out of the new guy that had never fished boils before. :) Did you make it to the Juan?
Hey Jack,
Did not make it to the JUan, the fish were good and healthy around Bullfrog, so we just stayed there. It's never good to cut hook's out of people, but those Striper's, will flop them in you, if you don't control them.
I love the Honda Jack. How many hour's do you have on your's? Got to be a bunch.
Have a good one.
Hey Jack,
Did not make it to the JUan, the fish were good and healthy around Bullfrog, so we just stayed there. It's never good to cut hook's out of people, but those Striper's, will flop them in you, if you don't control them.
I love the Honda Jack. How many hour's do you have on your's? Got to be a bunch.
Have a good one.
Yeah I started giving them a thump on the head with the pliers. They don't throw hooks when they are dead and it will really save your hands over the course of a couple days
My first trip back was hard knowing Howard was not there. Funny things happened though. A fan on one of the refrigerators just started working. He had plans to replace it. I had a drag not working on one of my poles. Second morning I got up prepared to fix it and it was working fine. I believe he still is watching over us.
Howard spoke of you often, I was there three day's, the boil's and Howard, dominated my thought's.
Looking forward to meeting you Steve.
Hey Kevin, I do have a bunch of hours on my Honda. I don't have a hour meter so I don't know for sure how many. My 150HP is a 2004 and I would say I put on at lest 80 hours a year on it. All I have done to it is replaced the water pump once and changed the oil once a year. :) I am happy with that.

Have you ever tried removing a hook from someone using this method? I have used it several times now on myself and also on others it works great. The first method in this link.


The hook in my son in law's finger, was all the way through, so that method wouldnt work, it's easy to just cut off the hook, easy if your the one doing the cutting. But they say that work's good, using the line, as long as it's not a big hook, with a big barb. Love the Honda, the older I get, the more quiet I like it.
That's kinda how you feel, when someone hook's you, like you could take a paddle to them. "HE HE '' my son in law hooked me the first time we went boil fishing. But all joking a side, all of the adrenaline, that goes with boil fishing, I'm sure, has gotten a lot of hook's in people, not to mention the Striper's, getting them into people allso.
That's kinda how you feel, when someone hook's you, like you could take a paddle to them. "HE HE '' my son in law hooked me the first time we went boil fishing. But all joking a side, all of the adrenaline, that goes with boil fishing, I'm sure, has gotten a lot of hook's in people, not to mention the Striper's, getting them into people allso.
Me nephew hooked me in the belly. Had to cut it off and pull it through. All just memories.
OK I must not of known who you were. I'm sure we'll meet again.
Have a good one.
While fishing the boils in front of the Bullfrog covered slips, I could not help but get a tear in my eye as I thought of Howard, Rimrock, Art etc.. , after the boils went down we spooned up some more of course using Howard's spoons.
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