PWC Rules

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It's now been more than 10 years since federal law made the old two-stroke jet skis obsolete. It is more than 4 years since the old-style two stroke skis became illegal at Powell. It's too late to even dream of getting a warning.

For me, the $250 or so that a ticket would cost wouldn't be the biggest reason for me to not press my luck hopping on an illegal jet ski. Since few of us here get paid for vacationing at Powell, we do this all for a feeling of fun and good times. If I were to hop on an illegal jet ski, one thing that would take away from my fun would be looking over my shoulder at every boat that passed wondering if it were the ranger. Second, and more important, it would diminish any feelings of fun I might have knowing the damage I was doing to my fellow boaters. We all know there are environmental groups that would love nothing more than to be done with all of us and drain Lake Powell. They do their best to showcase us all as selfish throw-backs who don't care about others, the earth, or the lake itself. Anytime one of our numbers does something selfish and stupid like jump on a jet ski that any literate person knows is now banned, drills holes in sandstone to anchor a houseboat, throws big wakes too close to another boat, or tools around in a boat with loud through-hull exhaust, we are helping the extremist environmentalists by handing them their Exhibit "A" in the battle they fight against us all. I couldn't have a good time knowing I was doing that to my fellow boaters.
A simple "yes they are illegal, and you will be cited" might have been more appropriate, rather than chastise every group you can think of. Never a missed opportunity I guess......

And through hull exhaust is not illegal........just sayin ;)
I saw a WindJet boat last year up in Bullfrog Labor Day Weekend. It's legal because its a boat..powered by dual jet ski's.

This particular boat was powered by 90's standup jet ski's, two-stroke 650's. I think they were built in Utah......

Used on Baywatch......
I always wanted to put 2 jet ski engines and intakes on a small aluminum fishing boat like a tracker, not practical at all but what a hotrod. When I worked on the lake, at the end the season you could buy the ones with hull damage for around $250. I had three and a 18'6" rental power boat that I also got for $250. No trailer or engine. Picked up a rental 150 hp merc for $900. Thought I was in high cotton.
A simple "yes they are illegal, and you will be cited" might have been more appropriate, rather than chastise every group you can think of. Never a missed opportunity I guess......

And through hull exhaust is not illegal........just sayin ;)

Here is a good thing -- we have some common ground. We agree that "yes they are illegal, and you will be cited." Maybe we can find even more common ground. Here is the list of things that I used as examples of things that the drainer crowd would like to use against us:

1. Riding an illegal jet ski;
2. Drilling holes in sandstone to anchor a houseboat;
3. Throwing big wakes too close to another boat;
4. Loud through-hull exhaust.

Are there at least some of these four that you don't do and would just as soon others not do or do you support all four of these?
I do none of the above. Three are illegal, one is not. But I don't think imposing your crotchety opinion on others, for your own personal preference is how this lake, or country should be run.
That is what California is for....:cool:
Sweet. We have all kinds of common ground. We agree that riding an illegal ski will likely get you a ticket these days. We're in agreement about not riding that illegal ski, not drilling the sandstone, not throwing big wakes too close to others, and even not having loud through-hull exhaust. That's a lot to agree about.

We can even agree that there some legal through-hull exhaust systems -- the ones with mufflers. The loud ones without mufflers that I mentioned are illegal in most states (including Arizona and Utah) since most states these days require mufflers. No mufflers and you're illegal before you turn the key. Turning the key makes you illegal in a second way -- too many decibels. Arizona's max is 86dB. Utah is 75dB. Those limits are pretty quiet -- about like flushing a toilet or running a snowblower.

As for my crotchety opinion, my hope is that we're all on the same side here. We love Lake Powell and want it to stay. I think there is a payoff in following the rules we have now to avoid more laws. My opinion, crotchety or not, is that we have enough laws. I'm hoping that's yet another thing we can agree about. As they say in California: peace, brother. :cool:
I spent way too much time of my life to actually find what/how much NPS will cite you for riding an illegal 2 Stroke Jet ski (fyi some are legal), all I can find is they will give you a warning. Does someone have a link to the fine schedule?
A quick phone call to the Park Service would probably be the best way to find out the fines.
I'd do that, rather than leave some witty, and condescending answer :cool:
I talked to the guy with the one in Bullfrog. His jetski's where like hardwired into the boat. There was no quick connect so you couldn't just take them off and use them as Jetskis...which kind of makes it pointless!
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Great input, Thank You. I find it ironic that I can putter around on the equivalent of a lawn mower motor, spewing fumes, gas and oil into the environment, as long as it is in the form of a "Fishing Boat" and PWC's are banned. They should all be banned, not just the "illegal jetski".
We were at the lake 6/1-6/5 and watched a couple of old tiger sharks launch. I don't know how they get away with it. They had that and it looked like a 16' pontoon boat with 6 kids and 4 adults.
Great input, Thank You. I find it ironic that I can putter around on the equivalent of a lawn mower motor, spewing fumes, gas and oil into the environment, as long as it is in the form of a "Fishing Boat" and PWC's are banned. They should all be banned, not just the "illegal jetski".

I disagree with your statement that "They should all be banned, not just the "illegal jets".

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