Got the above message, did a screenshot, chose that as the upload file, and that worked, but not my chosen photo...that resulted in the screenshot message
Okay, I'll do some digging through the logs to see what might be happening. In the meantime, I'm going to move these posts into the Help Desk area so as not to clutter our photo stream.
Thx PowellBride. I was hoping for a less circuitous route to post a photo. I think the images from the 6s are quite large as I attempted it again (non pano or HDR shot) and got something to the effect that "this image is too large to process " before offering the option to resize for posting.
Yeah, the sizing issue is a tough call. We can up the limits, but our hosting costs eventually go up as well. Do we really want to be a photo hosting site? Or, just a place where friends can share a (resonably-sized) memory or two? Apart from the cost of storing large media files is the amount of data we then force through the pipeline when someone browses the site via mobile devices. Even worse, they might be on the lake with limited data. Wish there were an easy answer!
Apple could solve the problem by adding a "resize option/copy as"in the edit option in Iphotos. Per your request, I'll try another upload with no email to resize from the iPad....(which didn't work. A resize did work) And I agree with you on small size photos since on a screen small files still look great. I guess it's going to be hit or miss from the phone as I just realized this photo was loaded off my camera onto the iPad a few years ago and I'm sure I downsized it substantially.
It would be awesome to have a separate photo album. In fact, I have been thinking about this for a long time. We could have a photo contest and put the best photos in the album. But I don't think we will have the space on the server to have big photos on the BB. There would be too many and not enough storage space. I suggest looking for a photo album and then have a vote from the members to see which pictures are put in the album. We could keep in down to about 100 best of the best pictures.
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