On the Juan

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A "skinwalker" is a shape-shifting spirit creature of Navajo legend. They most commonly appear as coyotes, but any living creature(never heard of anything but animals) can be duplicated. I haven't read about them being particularly malevolent, but it does kind of give you the creeps talking about them around a campfire on the shores of Lake Powell.
a skinwalker is a witch or warlock that can assume the shape of different animals. For example if a witch is creating a spell that requires some of the victims hair she can change into a mouse to sneak in at night and steal some hair to put bad gu gu on the victim. Think voodoo doll. In these discussions we are talking about the Navajo culture.
No offense taken, Your definition is more thorough than mine, and not contradictory. It hasn't been something I've studied, but growing up in the Southwest you do hear stories.
So heres the final report on our trip to the Juan.

Overall the fishing was exceptional. We delt with a bunch of wind on a few of the days, but still managed to stay on the water most the days it was windy. Wednesday was the best fishing day. Pretty much non stop catching all day. Tons of Lake Powell sized smallies, we'd hook into a large mouth about 1 in every 8-10 fish. Caught a few crappies and only one Walleye on the trip. Fishing was definitely better in the afternoons. It seemed the day(s) the bass were spawning most consistently was Thursday / Friday. On Wednesday we were still catching bass in structure and rocky shorelines. Thursday we hit a few of the same areas as on Wednesday with little success until we moved to the more shallow, gravel rock / sandy areas and then got into them again. It was difficult to sight fish, as the wind was pretty active, stirring up already stained water. You could tell when you would throw a bait near a "bed" by the way the smallie would smack it. It was fun. We did start to venture up to the great bend, but fishing was slower up there and by Wednesday there was enough debris in the water that we didn't even make it to the bend before turning around and heading back to the bay. There is stained water to about middle of the bay. Piute still had 8-15' visability while over by Neskahi visibility was 2-4' max. I would say it was a green / stained and not a mud colored. Water temps were 58-64 most all week long even with the winds. I posted a pic of the ned rig that I used and was very successful on most the trip. It worked well enough I didn't use much else. My boys on the other hand changed it up a bit. Maniac cuttr bugs, worked well, some cranks, and single tail grubs. The colors that worked best were, green pumpkin, watermellon and lures that had some orange in them. I had a single tail grub that was old ugly color with orange sparkles and it worked well. It make sense since we found a lot of crawfish in the stomachs of the smallies that were green and orange color. We did catch a handful of stripers, although we didn't target them. All the stripers we caught were unhealthy skinny buggers that we dispatched. The one walleye I caught had a 5-6" catfish in it's belly. That was pretty cool to see. All in all a great trip. I was suprized at how many boats / people were back there. It wasn't really crowded, but I just thought with how remote the area is and being midweek in April, we wouldn't see a whole lot but there was about 6 other camps (maybe more that we were unaware of ) in the bay.


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isaac lmb.jpg
Nice photos and report, thanks, We're heading up in 2 and ahalf weeks so we'll have a good comparison on our trip.
Thanks for the report. Headed up to the Juan on Tuesday. You're report gets me fired up. Any issues we need to be aware of? I see lots of gas cans in one of your pictures. Dangling Rope would be the closest gas right?

Overall the fishing was exceptional. We delt with a bunch of wind on a few of the days, but still managed to stay on the water most the days it was windy. Wednesday was the best fishing day. Pretty much non stop catching all day. Tons of Lake Powell sized smallies, we'd hook into a large mouth about 1 in every 8-10 fish. Caught a few crappies and only one Walleye on the trip. Fishing was definitely better in the afternoons. It seemed the day(s) the bass were spawning most consistently was Thursday / Friday. On Wednesday we were still catching bass in structure and rocky shorelines. Thursday we hit a few of the same areas as on Wednesday with little success until we moved to the more shallow, gravel rock / sandy areas and then got into them again. It was difficult to sight fish, as the wind was pretty active, stirring up already stained water. You could tell when you would throw a bait near a "bed" by the way the smallie would smack it. It was fun. We did start to venture up to the great bend, but fishing was slower up there and by Wednesday there was enough debris in the water that we didn't even make it to the bend before turning around and heading back to the bay. There is stained water to about middle of the bay. Piute still had 8-15' visability while over by Neskahi visibility was 2-4' max. I would say it was a green / stained and not a mud colored. Water temps were 58-64 most all week long even with the winds. I posted a pic of the ned rig that I used and was very successful on most the trip. It worked well enough I didn't use much else. My boys on the other hand changed it up a bit. Maniac cuttr bugs, worked well, some cranks, and single tail grubs. The colors that worked best were, green pumpkin, watermellon and lures that had some orange in them. I had a single tail grub that was old ugly color with orange sparkles and it worked well. It make sense since we found a lot of crawfish in the stomachs of the smallies that were green and orange color. We did catch a handful of stripers, although we didn't target them. All the stripers we caught were unhealthy skinny buggers that we dispatched. The one walleye I caught had a 5-6" catfish in it's belly. That was pretty cool to see. All in all a great trip. I was suprized at how many boats / people were back there. It wasn't really crowded, but I just thought with how remote the area is and being midweek in April, we wouldn't see a whole lot but there was about 6 other camps (maybe more that we were unaware of ) in the bay.

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