The wife and I were camped in the small cut on the horn just around the corner from you in the small houseboat. We were targeting crappies and walleye. We fished from red canyon all the way up to the back of White. Took three days to find the walleye of any abundance. We had been running right past them. They were on the north bank a mile up from the horn and up around to across from four mile. Not the numbers of fish we usually get in November, but we did end up with 35 walleyes for the trip. Never did find the crappie, but did catch 5 while trolling for walleye. Had 50 stripers caught trolling for walleye, and a few sm bass. Catfishing behind the houseboat where I clean fish was the most consistent fishing. I caught around 20 from 1 pound or so up to 2 1/2 about as fast as you could get the line in the water the fourth night we were there. The trip to White was interesting. Not hard to get in there if you are careful and watch where you are going. Never caught anything but stripers, but they were good ones. Caught 6 or 7 and they were 23 to 24", fat and fought like freight trains. I guess were at least 6 pounds. Biggest ones I had caught in a while.
The stop lights on the last leg of the trip (Utah 276) were funny. We hit the first one around 11:30 P M just right out of the turn onto 276. I stopped and waited for it to turn green. After a couple minutes, I rolled through it on to the other side, it was red as well. Reminded me of the old Blazing Saddles movie were the outlaws and hoodlums were going to raid rock ridge and stopped out in the middle of the Desert for a toll booth. The next three, I just slowed down and checked for oncoming traffic. Never did see a green light on any of them? Never meet another car going either way all the way down to the lake on 276.
Water temp when we left on Sunday was 60 in GHB and 58 up by four mile. The water clarity was 4 to 5 feet in GHB up to four mile. From there it got a little murkier the further north you went. You had to go within a half a mile of Trachyte to get to muddy to fish.