Night fishing this week

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We are going to be arriving at Wahweap this Friday for the weekend and love catching striped bass. After reading Wayne's excellent article about Night Fishing at Lake Powell, we decided to give it a try.

If anyone has experience, we would appreciate a few insights.

Q1) Where is the best place to night fish with a light this week when launching at Wahweap?

Q2) Most lights don't have cords to reach 40'. How deep should the light be placed?

Thanks in advance!
Most people night fish in or around the marinas, The lights that they run all night draw the shad and having an extra green light concentrates them all the more. When using a light you only need to have it barely submerged. Mine has to be submerged completely to keep the bulb cool. I have put a reflective cover over mine at times to reflect more light into the water and keep it out of my eyes. You can try one any where, but I would keep to the places that are productive during the day. I use mine almost exclusively at the Bull Frog marina where we keep our houseboat. The fuel docks and sewer pump outs can be really good spots also because they have lights that run all night as well. Using bait, anchovies cut into 1 to 1 1/2 inch peices and sometimes pieces of night crawlers, is the only way I have been able to catch them under a light. Lots of people use a 1/4 jig head for a hook and weight. I prefer a #1 or #2 bait hook 18" below a 1/4 ounce lead sinker. Adjust your bait and hook size to match the size of the fish you are catching. If you keep getting your bait hit and stolen, it is probably the smaller (12 to 16") stripers. Use a smaller hook a #4 or #6 and a half inch piece of Anchovy. I use the heads and tails for bait and cut up the middles for chum. Finding the depth that they are holding is the tricky part if you do not have a fish finder. Start at 60' and adjust up or down till you find them. Good Luck.
Thanks so much for the tips, Wayne. We couldn't obtain a fishing light in time for our trip that was as powerful as we wanted, so we made our own! We will see how well it works and report back.
Try casting as far as you can with a 1/4 oz leadhead and 1/2 an anchovie and then let it sink on its own until straight down of on the bottom. If not bit on by the bottom cast again. I've found this time and again to be my best way of getting bit on chovies. They take it on the fall not dead down.
Hey, Cliff,

Thanks for the tip. I would like to try it tonight when we go out fishing again.

When we put the anchovies on the hook, we are following the method shown in this video:

However, this won't work with a lead head. How do you put the anchovy on the hook so that it stays put?
You don’t need a whole anchovy
Use a lead head with 1/2 or 1/3 of one on the hook!
Hopefully you can keep them frozen as they will hang on a lot longer.
Thanks for all the tips, everyone. We just got back from our 3 day fishing trip to Lake Powell with our fishing daughter. In summary, we are now HUGE fans of night fishing. In fact, that is all that we ended up doing on the trip - fishing until 3:00 am and sleeping in until noon the next day.

As mentioned before, we didn't have time to buy a fishing light that was as powerful as we wanted (10,000 lumens), so we made our own using items all found at Home Depot, plus a waterproof set of 300 LED strip lights of green 5630 LEDs (the bright kind) ordered from Amazon. Gotta love Prime 2 day shipping! Total cost was around $30 for everything.

We wound the LED strip lights around 1" PVC and slid the unit into a clear plastic tube used for protecting fluorescent lamps. This clear plastic tube fits perfectly into 1 1/4" PVC end caps. We bought 25 feet of rubberized wire, drilled a hole in one of the end caps, threaded the wire through, tied a knot to keep it from pulling out and soldered the wires to the LED strip lights. Then we sealed it all up with Silicon Sealant.

fishing light.jpg

In the bottom photo, it looks like we turned off the light to take the picture, but the ambient lighting is the same. The camera had to compensate for the brightness of the fishing light. It was pretty bright.

The first night we tried at the Wahweap marina store because they have both lights above the shop shining into the water and blue lights under the docks. If I recall correctly, the depth was about 35 feet. We lowered the green light into the water and tried our luck fishing with frozen anchovies. It was a bust. Only one fish caught in 2 hours and the line got wrapped around the underwater dock cables when we tried to pull it in. No good.

We then went to the Stateline marina store and once again lowered the light into the water. The water depth there is about 25 feet. About 10 minutes later we started to see small dots buzzing around the light. Then we started catching fish! We pulled in a number of strippers and kept only the largest 8.

The next night we went back to the Stateline marina, but went to deeper water this time. We tied up to the end of the houseboat pier across to the West from the fuel dock. The depth was about 55 feet. Once again we lowered the light and soon the small dots were buzzing around again. This time, the action was terrific. Just about every cast ended up in catching a stripper - or losing the anchovy to a sneaky fish. The fish were indeed sneaky and subtle. We used braided line to feel the small tugs and had to set the hook at just the right time or the anchovy was gone. We ended up catching 31 fish that night. For the first time, we have a photo like the ones that you guys post here all the time with a huge pile of fish!

2018-10-20 13.56.51-1.jpg

The final night we went even further back into the houseboat storage area in about 65 feet of water. The fishing was a bit slower, but the fish that we caught were bigger. We also saw a bunch of small fish circling around the light which we hadn't seen at the other locations. Not sure what kind of fish they were. It was fun to watch them swim around the light - and then all-of-a-sudden disappear when a large stripper swam by. They came back a few minutes later. We ended up with 14 fish for the night.

Thanks again for all the help and advice from Wayne and others. It was a great trip.
I made a light very much like your's a few years back, worked great until someone stepped on it. I've been thinking about making one using clear PVC, still be a lot cheaper than the ones they sell. I filled the center tube with spent bullets from the shooting range so I could sink it a bit. By the way nice report.
Nice info, Ron. Yes, if I would had have time to make it before our trip, I would have ordered 1 1/2" clear Schedule 40 PVC pipe for the outside protection with 1 1/2" caps. It would have been much easier to seal using PVC cement rather than silicone and it would be more water tight. I also would have used a waterproof wire connector on top for a perfect seal.

Good idea for using bullets for weight. I went down to the tire store and asked them if they had any old tire weights they could contribute to the project. They pointed me to a bucket full of weights and told me to help myself. I used about 1.5 pounds of weight in the center of the 1" PVC pipe. If I did it again. I would probably do only 1 pound of weight.
If a guy were to night fish in Bullfrog marina area where would he or I go???? Thanks in advance! I have a green light and some anchovies!
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