Is it my imagination that mussel population has decreased significantly? We are long time Bullfrog lakeside campers - 4+ trips per year for the past 13 years. This year, we observed far fewer water edge shells and much cleaner rock walls. On another mussel issue, as a retired scientist, I have major disagreement with the mussel control programs. I knew that the expensive and difficult invasion control effort would fail and the current containment effort will also fail. I could go into a long list of the reasons but past experience with gypsy moths and salt cedar will suffice. Expensive control efforts failed until natural control methods were found. Imported wasps for the moths and imported beetles for the tamarisk. Nature has evolved control/stabilization regimes in their native habitat. We need to find and deploy the mussels native control functions or effective chemical treatments or find and encourage mussel predators. "finger in the dam" and "tilting at windmill" efforts are tiresome.