ThanksWe'll be up there the weekend before. Hopefully I can give a good report.
We should Launch on the 15th- headed to Page to pick up the HB. Hope to fish the SJ on the way back up river for 4-5 days.Dave, Goldie & I may be there the 15th (Bullfrog Campground) for 4 or 5 days. Sq
How far up the sj you thinking about going? would love a report.We should Latrice on the 15th- headed to Page to pick up the HB. Hope to fish the SJ on the way back up river for 4-5 days.
Actual SJ destination TBD. If we have a lot of inflow and debris, we may skip the SJ. Ideally we'll anchor near Cha and probably go as far as the Great Bend. I will try to remember to post if we do make the JuanHow far up the sj you thinking about going? would love a report.