Lots fish a very few people!

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Escalante-Class Member
I spent last week at Bullfrog and Halls creek. The bait balls have gotten bigger and so have the stripers. I spent Monday thru Friday on the water and saw a total of three boats, during the entire trip. The stripers finally realized that it was fall and are hitting everything. I guess for the ones that I caught, gluttony was a deadly sin, as every fish’s stomach was packed full of shad.

The magic spot was at 55-60 ft in 65-120 feet of water. However, I caught fish from 20 ft deep down to 70. I was using a 12 lb weight with steel cable.
Lures: anything
speed 2.5- 3.0 mph

One of friends who frequents this site has informed me that I can’t give an update without pics of fish. I usually clean as I go. So, Jeff this is a picture for you.8FA6B837-0B1D-4028-A69A-E5D402C05A2E.jpeg70E8B392-2644-4E6B-AAEE-40C892BAF8F6.jpeg
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