Last days of fishing in Last Chance Bay

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New Member
Just as fishing started to heat up, the lake is closing down. The fish in Last Chance were willing and eager. Although the strippers were small, the SM were aggressive and the LG cooperated as well. My scale showed 6lb 3oz on the LG mouth. Bummer I can only look from town for the foreseen future.IMG_3271.jpgOPIMG_3266.jpg
I can’t tell if posts like this get me more excited about fishing at Powell, or more upset that I can’t go to the greatest place on earth. Great fish!
A big part of fishing for me is the people I do it with. I get a lot of enjoyment seeing people smile when the fish is on, not that it isn't better when it's my rod bent double. I would hate to think as I haven't been tested that one of my buddies got sick and died because he grabbed my boat or net handle or even touched something at one of his stops on his trip down to fish. Most of my friends are older, at risk and if we get the virus you could probably flip a coin to see who dies. Until we get this virus under control I'll just wear my fishing bandana close my eyes and dream, call them up and tell them how bad the wind is blowing.
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