Largemouth Doing Well

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Well-Known Member
Sorry I am a little late posting, I have been a longtime user of Wayneswords but haven't posted for quite sometime since the the new site I couldn't remember my password. So I just set up a new profile.
Anyway every year mid April my brothers and I go to Bullfrog or Halls for 10 days of fishing. My report is that all species are doing well but the surprise this year for me was how well the largemouth are doing. Being a tournament fisherman I have had to convince my brothers to release all the largemouth and quality smallies we catch. Not an easy task since they are both meat fishermen. I am happy to report I was successful!
The quality of largemouth this year was fantastic caught several LMB over 4lbs a couple over 5 and a post spawn female over 6 that may have gone 7 before the spawn.
Anyway here are a few pics. Glad to be back sharing experiences with the wordlings.
Oh, the big carp sucked up my 1/2 bass jig. Talk about a surprise, thought I had a new state record bass for a minute.


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You can probably thank the tournament people for the good results in the Bullfrog area. I could be wrong, but I believe the tournament fish get released in Bullfrog bay. Please correct me if I am in error. I also have caught my biggest LMB across from the houseboat slips. Sq
You can probably thank the tournament people for the good results in the Bullfrog area. I could be wrong, but I believe the tournament fish get released in Bullfrog bay. Please correct me if I am in error. I also have caught my biggest LMB across from the houseboat slips. Sq
Squirrel, you are correct, we were known to start fishing some tournaments within a hundred yards of the blast-off area because there was always some fish that hung around
Nice looking fish there. Looks like a good time. Good job on convincing your brothers to release the Bass. Thanks for the report.
I implemented a self imposed slot limit for smallies. Only 12 to 14 inch smallies could be kept. Wayne I am not suggesting the state do this, I don't think this is necessary, but I encourage self imposed limits. I feel we do need to thin out the smallies and always release the larger fish. We released all largemouth and we caught many smallies in the 16 to 17 inch range. I would love to see the quality of Lake Powell smallies increase to the levels of Mohave and Havasu. 5 and 6lb smallies are so much fun. Not many benefits to the ugly mussels but they do increase the crayfish and smallies love crayfish.
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