Horses near Gregory Butte

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xyooj yaj

Active Member
Fishing with my 3 kids this past weekend and spotted 2 horses feeding on/near Gregory Butte. Anyone have info on the horses around this area?? It shocked me, anyone else experienced the horses in this area??
Up on the flat above and east of Face and West canyons there is usually a herd of horses up there all summer. I used to see them all the time when I was flying tours up the lake.
That's great to hear I guess??? It shocked me to see them. I'm not aware of how big that flat is and how far it extends. They sure looked hungry!!
There has been a mare and colts up the stream bed leading into Cha in the San Juan. I've seen her with a colt for several years while walking up to the petroglyphs about a mile up the canyon. She must have a "friend" up there too as she has a new colt from time to time. Fairly tame, you can get within 50 yards or so of her. Had a horse try to walk up the houseboat ramp in Dungeon one year. Chuck
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