Green Mountain Reservoir

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Yep, I am also confused. Apparently the same thing is happening with Deer Creek right now in Utah. It was "contaminated" but they have yet to become "infested," This is the final year of some period of time before they can be re labeled clean again. Not sure why or why not they didn't take hold or whatever. I also love how the county commissioner is just as confused as I am, "they (Bureau of Reclamation) have this pot of money and can spend millions of dollars after they invade, but they won't spend $50,000 to prevent it."
Sounds like the same chain of events that led to them getting into Powell. Let's ignore it, and just hope for the best.....until they are there. THEN we'll spend millions to "educate"
While it is far from perfect, Colorado has a pretty good system aimed at preventing infection. All boats must be inspected prior to launch. If you don't have a seal proving the boat came from a clean lake, you must go through decontamination.

While the vast majority of lakes in the state have set hours for launch/retrieval where the ramp is manned by an inspector, there are a few that are going on the "honor system". I have asked CPW if Green Mountain is one of the latter (as I haven't been there for quite a while), but have not yet received a response.

Even with mandatory inspection, unless they enforce the decontamination of any boat without a clean seal, things will get through.

Quagga/Zebra sure seems to me to be a Federal issue, and should have a consistent, national response. This should include a requirement of decontamination when exiting waters that are known to be infected. And to have that decontamination procedure recognized by all the states/municipalities. Until that happens (and maybe even with that happening), proliferation will continue.
We were at Green Mtn. a month ago and there was 1 launch ramp open and 1 inspector, and when the inspector was operating the marina store he would lock the gate so no one could launch or retrieve their boats. There was a phone # on the gate to call him and it took 10 min. for him to get there.
We were there for the "bounty on Northern Pike" which we didn't catch any. $20.00 per fish isn't bad pay out. Sq
From CO fishing forum fishexplorer:

Reply by: EasyWR450rider Posted: Aug. 29, 10:45:17 AM Points: 29
These mussels have a hard time going from veligers to adults due to environmental factors such as low calcium concentrations in our mtn lakes.

The CDOW will say their efforts largely keep these particular species from spreading. That's not exactly 100% true. Their efforts can help but environmental factors help keep them from spreading much more.

The below is a thesis written by a CU master's student. She cites studies by Drake & Bossenbroek, 2004, among others, conducted to prove that Dreissena have an extremely low likelihood of taking hold in Rocky mtn waters. Colorado's east plains reservoirs are more suitable for veligers to mature to adulthood but still not as suitable as midwestern and eastern lakes.

The extremely detailed thesis about the economic impact of prevention vs eradication(treatment) is found here: LINK

One paragraph that quickly sums up the studies' details: Environmental Factors Affecting Mussel Spread

Levels of calcium, pH, alkalinity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, Secchi depth, nutrients, and available substrate have all been found to be important predictors of dreissena habitat suitability (Ramcharan et al., 1992 Mellina & Rasmussen, 1994 Cohen & Weinstein, 2001 Drake & Bossenbroek, 2004 Whittier et al., 2008 Claudi & Prescott, 2009). Several studies address the possible spread of dreissena based solely on environmental factors.

In 2004, Drake and Bossenbroek developed a model to predict the potential distribution of zebra mussels in the United States using biological and geological variables including average annual temperature, bedrock geology, elevation, flow accumulation, frost frequency, max and min temperatures, precipitation, slope, solar radiation, and surface geology. Of particular interest to this study are Drake and Bossenbroek's predictions for the Rocky Mountain region. Two of the three models developed by Drake and Bossenbroek (2004) predict that zebra mussels will not spread to the Rocky Mountain region. The third model, which includes all of the listed variables with the exception of the elevation variable, predicts the Eastern Plains of Colorado to be at high risk of mussel infestation, but still predicts the mountainous regions of the state to have very low probabilities of infestation. At the time these models were developed, the third model was deemed the least reliable of the three, and the consensus was that the Rocky Mountain States were very unlikely candidates for mussel infestation.

Whittier et al. (2008 ) use calcium concentrations to assess the risk of dreissena invasions for ecoregions across the contiguous U.S. Using calcium concentration data from over 3000 stream and river sites across the nation, they define risk of dreissena invasion based on calcium concentration. Ecoregions with average calcium concentrations below 12 mg/L are defined as very low risk, 12-20 mg/L as low risk, 20-28 mg/L as moderate risk, and greater than 28 mg/L as high risk. In their assessment, the Eastern Plains of Colorado have a high risk of dreissena invasion based on calcium concentration, and the risks to the mountainous regions of the state are highly variable.
The largest state park in Colorado, Pueblo reservoir, has been infested for years, but now, suddenly, the park employees are claiming that they aren't any more, and that they are mussel free. I'd like them to share their secret.
"They" are not going to do anything and do not care! "They" are the GOVERNMENT bureaucracy that has deliberately allowed this destruction. It all fits with the One World plan! Force us into apartments in the cities, and close off everything else! Just look at the roads and trails closed by the feds in the last few years!
Leardriver, I boat all the time at Pueblo. and asked them several times about the mussels that were found initially. The Parks people maintain that the original scare was from DEAD mussels. Supposedly no living DNA has been found. They still cable me everytime I launch and retrieve... I don't REALLY know the scoop...
Same here, green tag & blue paper from Spinney Mtn. Res. in Co. Spinney has the New Zeland mud snail & Milfoil.
I think the paper from Lake Granby was white. Sq
It's just a very lightweight stranded cable , TR + they give you a blue paper until the next launch. If the cable is missing or your blue slip is missing ---GO TO DECON....
Receipt is white, and seal/tag is green at McPhee here in the Southwest. The tag also has a number and says "McPhee" on opposing sides for information tracking.
The Denver Post is running a story about all of the Colorado lakes that formerly had veligers in them, but are now have been declared to be clean and pure. We should learn their secrets.
I think they are in denial, or just wrong.
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