Glen Canyon Should Stay Drowned

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It's amazing how little I really know about GCRA. Neon is beautiful but way past my comfort zone to get there.
A lot of the Recreation Area is not easily enjoyed except in the cooler seasons since they do require a lot of hiking and hiking experience... which leaves the other 12% for us who enjoy the water and Lake Powell - it really is a win-win for the purists who hate us lowly water people and want the canyon to their own private access and us boaters who love the water and the canyons and enjoy what we CAN see from the water [safely]... Something the drainers refuse to see.
The drainers are the same people attacking President Trump for considering pulling out of the UN (fake) global warming treaty scam that would destroy our economy, eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs, drive energy prices through the roof, and allow China and India to build an uncontrolled dirty coal plant every month for the next 20 years before having to think about reducing pollution! That act of treason is what Obama thinks is his "legacy"!!!!
Many may know it by now but Trump pulled out of the Green Climate deal this afternoon.
Good move.

I am really enjoying the "melt-down" from Steyer and his crowd - all stood to make a lot of money off of the deal as we would pay 20% more in energy costs in the country and lose at least a half million jobs. Merkel groaned last week when the President refused to ratify the agreement at the G7 that this was critical for "globalism." That has always been what this was about, not global warming. Heck the largest warming spike on this planet was 10,000 years ago... we need to worry about the USA and our economy and jobs and let Merkel and Macron worry about their own countries who are gnashing their teeth because they desperately wanted OUR money to make this thing work - you know sort of like NATO which they benefit from and we foot 76% of the cost. Tired of our taxpayers being the patsies for socialist Europeans who use our tax $ to fund their globalist agenda. The USA was going to take it in the rear with that so-called treaty - it was written specifically to benefit 3rd world countries, and India, and China. America First!!!

Oh and love this graphic reminder:
and before the hair on fire earth is going to end people weight in ........from department of energy - this is not going to stop the USA from continuing to work to clean and cleaner air and water, what it does is allow us to do things that benefit OUR country and OUR jobs......

Waterbaby. Your very first sentence above pretty much sums things up.
These naysayers are all displaying the classic symptoms of someone that just had their wallet stolen!
Ok. No more politics from me.
waterbaby the time magazine cover with the penguin is fake ,google it . You have posted it two or three times .

Actually I haven't posted that before - just saw it today for the first time with the side-by side of the frying egg... but since it seems to offend you I deleted it!
That might not be an actual cover, but I definitely remember that attitude from rags like Time! All the commies were screaming about the next ice age then! Climate change has happened for a billion years. We have no control of it. It is called WEATHER, which, so far, can not be accurately predicted 24 hours ahead! The non scientist "scientists" have gotten rich with these scams!!! Trump just did the right thing! Obama's "deal", which would never have been approved by Congress, sent $$$Trillions of our taxpayer dollars to China and India, among others, to build all the non emission controlled coal plants they want for the next 20 years while totally shutting down our coal and oil industries! I will stop here. (WB would delete me if I really expressed my feelings)
Is this fake?

Gem, That is better quality than the reception we got from our antennas in the wilds of AZ back then, when we only had ABC, CBS, NBC, and usually a snowy picture on the 17" B&W TV, but I think I saw lies like that on every channel. I did not know it then, but Cronkite's lies lost Viet Nam.
Is this fake?

This was real. It was on an actual episode of Leonard Nimoy's TV series: "In Search of..." The episode was "the Coming Ice Age"
I posted that clip on another thread along with lamestream article headlines about the impending age style that is.

All can be seen/read at this web site which is an excellent source of rational information regarding the AGW Alarmist hysteria that racks the lamestream media:
What's Up With That

AND.....OR... Please bear with me folks and watch this entire episode:
In this full episode you will see 'Highly acclaimed! Science is settled! Global warming is real! Climate scientist' Steven Schneider warning us of the probability of having glaciers in the San Joaquin Valley, Calif........YES, glaciers! From Stockton to Fresno to Bakersfield, OH MY!:eek:

Then watch this short video to see how he feels today as a senior member of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC. :oops:
I guess the ice age settled science wasn't quite as settled as the Global Warming settled science. Go figur'.:confused:

I hope the coming ice age doesn't scare everyone too much....Please reserve some unbridled fear for the global meltdown that is imminent because of Trump withdrawing from the "Paris Climate Agreement" "Paris Income Redistribution Agreement", err, well .... after the ice age, err, well .... or before it, err, ahh... not sure.... But we should still be vewwy vewwy afwaid! :eek:

And still we should transfer as much of our taxpayer dollars as we can to the 190 of the 195 signers of the Paris Agreement (while they do nada) all the while hogtieing the available energy sources in this country. Lose, lose. WTFO! o_O:confused:

:mad::mad::mad:Don't question anything you ignorant Flat Earther Science Denier.....Just shut up and color. The science is settled!:mad::mad::mad:

This reply does not address whether or not AGW is real or whether the earth has a 'correct' temperature that we must literally move Heaven and Earth to maintain because that correct temperature has been determined by the most learned amongst us.

Rather, I would like to try to explain why these Global Warming Theories have become so big and so pervasive to the point of fear mongering.

Short Answer: Follow the Money
A common saw used by AGW Alarmists claim that ALL the big money supports Climate Skepticism to protect the fossil fuel industry. It goes something like this:

You can't get rich as a scientist.... The implication being that a climate scientist is seeking only the truth and is, if anything, noble and true..., well except for skeptical scientists who are all in the pocket of big oil.

Long Answer: The money is actually all in the AGW Alarmists favor.....How you ask?
  1. No you mostly don't get rich as a scientist, but do you want a job? There is NO research money out there for research that disagrees with AGW, period. No university or college will fund or even hire a scientist that is skeptical of AGW. The AGW community and the Left actively attempts to destroy the professional credibility and careers of anyone that disagrees. Unfortunately they frequently succeed.
  2. Let me explain the evil symbiotic relationship between Big Money and Watermelons (green on the outside & red on the inside).
  3. Fantastic amounts of money are being made from selling NOTHING....Yes, NOTHING!
    • To wit:
      Do you remember Enron, the huge energy and commodities company that was a huge scam? It was creatively joined with Goldman Sachs to pioneer very creative derivatives markets. Among these was the Cap-and-Trade, Carbon Credits, Carbon Offsets schemes among many more types of "Derivatives" including ones that exacerbated the '2008 Mortgage Meltdown and was one of the principle causes of the crisis."
    • For those that might be unfamiliar with a 'derivative' it is a financial instrument that 'derives' it's value from some other asset. For example a Put or Call in the stock market is basically a bet that a stock price will go up or down significantly and you are willing to pay a fee for that bet. If you guess right you make money, most don't. Over 90% of Puts & Calls expire worthless. Note: you never actually buy or sell the stock, it's all pretend. The Put or Call "derives" it's value from an asset that nobody in the deal necessarily owns.
  4. Enter the various Carbon Trading Derivatives Market Schemes. Vast sums of money are being made as we speak buying and selling "NOTHING"
    • Elon Musk's Tesla has only made a profit ever by selling Carbon Offsets to real automakers because they cannot meet obama's emissions standards. See how one hand washes the other? Obama imposed standards that the automakers cannot meet and then gives them an out by saying that if they buy carbon offsets from say, Tesla then they can be forgiven. So the money you paid for your car contains a hidden subsidy for Elon Musk (Tesla) factored in through the carbon offsets. Get it?
    • In the first three months of 2012 Tesla raked in approximately $68 million through Zero emission vehicle (ZEV) credits sold to other automakers. The company reported its first profit that year (2012), of $11.2 million, so without the revenue from the credits, the company would have continued to lose vast sums of money. See: International Business Times
      • As a side note Climate Billionaire Elon Musk Quits Donald Trump’s Advisory Council
        the Los Angeles Times reported in 2015 that Musk’s battery factory in Reno, Nevada is reported to have enjoyed roughly $1.3 billion in state subsidies, and his SolarCity company has gotten $1.5 billion from federal solar-regulations. In California, the state legislature allowed his Tesla Motors to sell more than $500 million worth of government-granted carbon energy credits, said the Los Angeles Times, and the state’s anti-pollution agency allows the owners of battery-operated cars to use low-traffic “high occupancy” lanes in gridlocked Los Angeles. Musk’s solar-energy company in New York state has reportedly gained $1 billion in near-term and short-term investment from Democratic politicians said the newspaper.
      • Quiz: How do you become a genius climate billionaire?.........Answer: Government
  5. It should come as NO surprise and even predictable that Trump economic advisor, Gary Cohn strongly supports staying in the Paris Agreement. Now just who was Cohn's previous employer? hmmm?? Oh yeah, Goldman Sachs. Say no more.
  6. Global Warming EnvironmentalistsWatermelons (green on outside, red on the inside) have joined forces with other Marxists in their drive for global Marxism/ know fairness for all and at least for now, big money is their unspoken ally of convenience because trillions of dollars are being made selling NOTHING....literally NOTHING.

A portion of this monetary gruel is also being redistributed so it is no surprise that 195 countries with their hands held out are waiting for their share of US taxpayer's money. 'Please, sir, I want some more.'

Capitalism is the most unfair economic system that exists....except for all the rest.
Unfortunately one of the flaws in Capitalism is that a capitalist seems more than willing to:

Help radicals raise an army on Friday
to wage a revolution on Saturday
so as to make fistfuls of money on Sunday
all the while knowing they will be executed on Monday

AGW Alarmism is rife with money, just ask Al Gore.
I cannot end the long answer without at least mentioning the third prong of this evil triad. "Government Power and Control" What a great way to increase government authoritarian power, Right or Left, than by controlling what every person must participate in so many ways.

If we must go that way I recommend a carbon tax on large families vice small due to all the exhaling everyday and all the panting just making said large family. Just sayin';)
I personally want a Refundable Tax Credit, we can call it the CPC (Couch Potato Credit) for those that never make their breathing rate increase from exercise......I only do that to help save the planet.

Sorry for the long post,
The former head of the UN admitted a while back the Paris accord had not one thing to do with [so-called] AGW, but was strictly about economic globalism with the money from American workers hard work being redistributed to 3rd world countries..... it allowed India and China to pollute to their hearts content until 2030 while putting demands on us to decrease all emissions by 26% - never mind we have already decreased our emissions on our own volition more than any of the other countries, including those "green" nations like the UK, France, Germany, etc... The UK has found the hard way solar cannot power their country and have been saying they have to resort to fossil fuels.. The cleanest is natural gas and nuclear, but environmentalists keep pushing back against it. Heck back in the 80's Margaret Thatcher admitted "Global Warming provides an excellent excuse for Global Socialism." She knew this and Reagan knew this and our President knows this and Merkel slipped last week and admitted it. But a picture speaks a thousand words - and know this is not an exaggeration - this is the deal they agreed to in Paris.......

For those who think Global Warming is real. Tell us what is the "normal" earth temperature? Was it when the earth was totally covered in ice? Was it 10,000 years ago when we were the hottest ever? We've been in a warming cycle ever since the last mini-ice age. Given it is impossible to grow food in an ice age and it brings about more death and disease personally I'll happily take this warming, but if you study the history of the earth then you know this warming could end tomorrow and we could indeed be thrown back into a cold cycle or worse. Even a major volcanic event could throw us into a cold cycle [as Krakatoa did].

And how many remember the scare they tried on us years back re Ozone and how we were all going to die.....

Well that didn't take long - it was always about getting an advantage over American's....

REUTERS – Germany’s powerful car industry said Europe would need to reassess its environmental standards to remain competitive after the United States said it would withdraw from the Paris climate pact.

“The preservation of our competitive position is the precondition for successful climate protection. This correlation is often underestimated,”

The VDA said electricity and energy prices are already higher in Germany than in the United States, putting Germany at a disadvantage.
Global warming happened when the glaciers retreated from the U S and Canada, and they became habitable, a really long time ago.

Greenland was called that in the 1200's because then Vikings could raise corn there. At the same time, the castles in Europe were built without heat, as it was not needed,

In the 1970's, the leftist media was screaming the that the world was freezing to death.

Today, these same lying idiots are saying we will fry tomorrow if we do not give Trillions of Dollars to the countries that hate us!!

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