Fiberglass Repair Question ?

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Does anyone know by chance if anyone does fiberglass repair in Bullfrog area? And or Hanksville?

Or a good recommendation for Grand Junction / Spanish Fork area that does good work? Lots of places do it but looking for someone with positive recommendation.

20' Ski/Fish with boat cleat on side of boat got ripped off. Made Grapefruit size hole, above water line.

Thanks in advance for any info.
What I would suggest is pull the boat to a bigger city and take it to a fiberglass shop and get a reasonable rate for the repair and quality work. Everyone knows that kind of work anywhere around the lake and even Hanksville will be greatly inflated pricewise compared to a shop in a regular city. I say since it's above the water line, finish the year with it and then take it in for repairs during the winter months. If you don't have a means to pull it to a fiberglass shop, I can do it for a fee.

If you don't want to wait until winter, there is a guy that lives in Ticaboo that does fiberglass repair. I did hear he's reasonable also. Ask at the Offshore Office and they can give you his number. Heard he does good work, haven't seen it myself.
I think this guy in Salt Lake is good:

Ralph's Boat Repair
3183 S 300 W, Salt Lake City, UT 84115
(801) 467-9706
I second Gem - I've used Ralph's several times over the past 25 years. They have always done a great job at a fair price, and they have experience with major marine structural repair - not needed in your case, but their experience is significant is my point.
I can't say enough good things about JCP Fiberglass in Grand Junction. On my first, beat-up Larson that I re-built when I was broke, Jim refinished the hull to perfection and then had the heart to instruct me how to complete the decking and floor. Used him on each subsequent boat and couldn't be happier. Repainted a boat trailer for me and went over and beyond cleaning it up first! All the big name brands send their warranty work to him - Ranger, Triton, etc. Same for the local dealers in Grand Junction at one time. For big jobs or when he had sufficient work lined up, he would go to Powell. He plays there too. Its a larger company now, but last guy I recommended there had a newer Ranger and was super impressed. He has a website and the number is 970-245-5825. Go visit his shop and yard first. He has some pretty amazing (expensive) motorhomes and boats/yachts there at times.
I've used 970 marine in Grand Junction myself and am very happy with the repairs. Steve and his crew go above & beyond to help out. Highly recommended!
I've heard good things about 970 also. Wasn't aware they did fiberglass though? If like the Grand Junction dealers in the past, because neither had their own fiberglass person, and like the RV places in town, the dealer and shops would send to JCP. So one would be wise to ask if the work will actually be done by on-site employees or sent out? Sure is irritating - to me at least - to pay a shop for repairs only to have them send it out for a mark-up when they do nothing.
Sounds like you have some good options that are closer than Denver, but I know these guys are GREAT!
Thanks for all the replies. Will have a good starting place, with a few good references. Hate to take it to some kid that is learning. Rather pay little more and get it done right and looking good again.
I have used JCP and he does a good job, was in 970 last winter and looks like they do a good job as well.
Sounds like you have some good options that are closer than Denver, but I know these guys are GREAT!
We have used calibre several times over the years and agree with Ryan - they are great!
I used to own a boat fiberglass repair and manufacturing business for a number of years. There’s been several posts here with excellent recommendations. In making a decision, I would ask the repair technician how they would do the repair. The damage to the cleat area needs to be adequately exposed and repaired or additional damage from the ripping off of the cleat will reappear.
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