Favorite Boat Photo

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Battleship - White Canyon? Gloria and I put the flag up there twice. The first time it was to replace one someone else had placed on top.
You nailed it, Dan!
We had planned to climb up and get some pictures on it and from it, each time we were near it when the water was high enough to easily access it...but either we were running short on time, or the fish started biting!!
The latter being a much better excuse! lol
You nailed it, Dan!
We had planned to climb up and get some pictures on it and from it, each time we were near it when the water was high enough to easily access it...but either we were running short on time, or the fish started biting!!
The latter being a much better excuse! lol
We started our trips to Powell in 2007, when the lake was low. After 2011 when the lake came way up, we explored the upper reaches for the first time. I had a new fish finder, and had accidentally zoomed so far in (without knowing it) and had no idea where we were! The bouy for White Canyon had drifted way downstream, and got me totally confused because it didn’t look anything like the area on the Paper fishin’ map. We were trolling past what I now know is Battleship rock, and I asked a guy “where are we?!?!” He said white canyon…I looked at the paper map and went duh!!! The walleye and striper fishing was amazing!!!
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