Bottom Bouncers with Crawler Harness

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Active Member
Are bottom bouncer with a crawler harness effective on Powell? One season over another, or one part of the lake over another?
Thanks for the help.
Sure they work well lakewide. The key is to find a submerged ridge top or ledge that is about 15-25 feet deep and work that with bottom bouncers. You may have to try 4 or 5 ridges but when you catch one fish there will be more in the same place.

Walleye numbers are strongest in the Good Hope Bay area. The month of May is definitely the best time to fish for walleye.
We use bottom bouncers at any time of the year, of course the depth you find fish will vary. What Wayne said is true especially April May and June as far as depth. Not only will you catch walleye but everything else, at least at times. It is also a good way to find fish, we always keep a rod with jigging spoons ready to go in case you run across a school of stripers.
Just be prepared to lose a few! So many areas of the lake have steep dropoffs and rapid changes in depth, that it is hard to avoid getting snagged. I know others do well with the bottom bouncers, I have yet to find areas that both hold walleye AND are conducive to trolling with the bouncers...But I will admit to being impatient....
Helps if you use just one rod and hold it in your hand while keeping an eye on the fish finder so you can react quickly to the continuously changing depth. Best fishing is usually not on a flat.
Helps if you use just one rod and hold it in your hand while keeping an eye on the fish finder so you can react quickly to the continuously changing depth. Best fishing is usually not on a flat.
Thanks for the help. Plan on trying around Bullfrog around mid May. Would that area OK in May?
Just be prepared to lose a few! So many areas of the lake have steep dropoffs and rapid changes in depth, that it is hard to avoid getting snagged. I know others do well with the bottom bouncers, I have yet to find areas that both hold walleye AND are conducive to trolling with the bouncers...But I will admit to being impatient....
And when he says "lose a few", my experience is you will lose a LOT.
You will lose a few for sure, we use either 3 or 4 oz weights, lets you fish more towards vertical so you can react more quickly. Of course a heavier outfit helps. It's easier to go from shallow to deep but the other way around you really have to watch your finder. I also tie our own harnesses, what Dorado said is certainly true, but that is where you find them.
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