Blue Mesa Information

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Keeper of San Juan Secrets
Goldie & I are thinking about spending 4 or 5 days at Blue Mesa Res. in the next week or so. I haven't been there before, so I am asking for info on the best launch ramp, camping and suggested fishing areas. Any suggestions are appreciated, We will be taking the GMC 2500 HD with a 9.5; Lance camper which we will take off the truck after we get there. Behind the truck/camper will be the 16' Tracker/60 hp Merc. We are self contained and don't require hook ups or power/sewer. Sq
When we go we stay in the Elks Loop D - mainly because I want electric. Our trips are either late spring or early fall so I’m not sure I can help on fishing techniques.
I don’t expect to catch anything but kokes trolling, I’m looking for that kind of info. Campground and access to launch ramps. Sq
Its just like Powell, "beware the afternoon winds". Last time we camped we primitive camped up the road that goes across the dam. You go up a few miles and it turns into National Forest --i.e. Free dispersed camping. Party were with had no trouble getting a 23' Camper into it. Never stayed at any of the campgrounds so can't speak to that, but we launched at the main ramp by the marina/dam. Plan to decon if you hadn't already. We caught about 50/50 Trout to Salmon trolling until wind drove us off in afternoons. Just like Powell, take supplies, everything is overly priced, but Amazing Lake. Almost makes me want to mount a safari up there.

About where we Camped on Google Maps off 721blue mesa view4.jpg
I don’t expect to catch anything but kokes trolling, I’m looking for that kind of info. Campground and access to launch ramps. Sq

Get several different color flashers, and squid and I suggest the rubber snubbers for trolling Kokes they have what seems soft mouths. I know people that swear to a piece of corn on the hook, I've done both ways and seems to vary for me. I liked the Rocky Mountain Tackle squids that are already made up if you don't want to make your own rigs.
Decon shouldn’t be a problem as the Tracker was last in 11 mile last year. I know all too well about the P.M. storms at Spinney Mtn res. Thanks, Sq
If you are looking for Kokes, just look for the guide boats. You can't miss them. Fish near them (everyone else does). At least that is what I am told. We usually target the browns there.

Here is the campground and some fish. :)fullsizeoutput_1433.jpegfullsizeoutput_1421.jpeg
This isn't the best time to try Blue Mesa.

I've fished Blue Mesa actively for the last 20 years and this year is the absolute worst I recall. Since I live in Gunnison, I don't have first hand info about camping. In regard to launching, the Elk Creek Marina is considered much better than the Lake Fork Marina. For loads of current and historic info about fishing Blue Mesa, go to the Kokanee Fishing Forum and look under Colorado and then Blue Mesa. We've had fairly extensive reporting for the last three summers, so you can compare reports from the two previous years to this year. BM rose by 80 ft this year and lots of people blame rising water for the poor fishing. Others believe low oxygen levels and other biological issues last fall and winter are to blame. Yet others believe predation by lake trout explains the problem. Take a look at the forum for most of your fishing questions. I'll also be happy to share what has worked for me and answer any specific questions. Kokanee64
this is just a recon trip as we haven't been there before. Have fished Granby, Spinney, and 11 Mile many times and Green Mtn, a few, Just trying to make the first trip painless, not having to drive around for hours looking for a camp spot relatively close to the lake for launching. I know all the state parks require advanced reservations. We will be going during the week, not weekends. Sq
There will be plenty of spots open in the Elk Creek area during the week. Close to the launch ramp, and they have slips available if you don't want to launch and retrieve every day.
Thanks Ryan, that’s what I am looking for. I’ll check into Elk Creek on line for more info. Sq
Had excellent fishing on Morrow this spring and for the small price of $340 had exclusive access.
I agree that the fishing for kokes has been terrible. No one seems to have the answer. The lake is about a foot and half from full as of yesterday so maybe things will settle down a bit. If you stay in the Elk Creek campground you will have all kinds of "camp talk" about where to fish and what to use etc. etc.. Just remember, "even a blind hog finds and acorn if he roots around long enough." Good luck.
I'd pick the lake fork camp ground myself, sites are a little closer to the water with better views.
I had to make reservations at Elk Creek, there was only 2 campsites left and I need to have a slip for the boat at the Marina. We will be there Monday thru Thursday morning. A-36 I believe. Sq
Hey Todd, good to hear from you to. But are the Mack's as good eating, as the Perch?
Are you going down to chase boil's? I'm going to go hear in August, I'm not sure, but probably to Hite. Hope there in decent shape by then.
Broke my old phone, and lost all of my contact's, give me a call sometime. Have a good one Todd.
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