Bad wreck on the lake last night

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Have boated the lake many times at night - in areas we are VERY familiar with. Don't have the gps capability ( wasn't available years ago) but with the GoLight GoBee stanchion mount remote spot (with red/green built in), have been comfortable running - just barely on plane (bow down) with at least one other co-pilot and second rear looking spot. Patience is a virtue!!
There is no right or wrong to boating at night, it’s a matter of experience, comfort level, equipment, conditions etc. For me at the lake, I will run in the dark, on plane, occasionally. When I do I have a previous track from the day on my GPS, I take into consideration others that could be on the lake, and I hope for a little starlight. When I set my track I do so for a night run, so clear of any obstructions. I beg to differ with some on the accuracy of GPS. In other places I run lines that would put me high and dry on a reef if I strayed 5 ft to either side of a ditch. With a good GPS and zooming in close enough to take out perceived distances they are extremely accurate, and more than enough for the lake. (I don’t run those tight ditches in the dark). I also don’t go 40 MPH, I go just enough to keep on plane comfortably. Your attention has to be absolute as you may get very little warning of a floating obstruction. I also don’t go around at night in the spring and early summer when there could be floating debris cruising through. My point here is that like anything, experience levels vary and because one person doesn’t feel comfortable doing something it doesn’t mean it’s a bad idea. It’s just a bad idea for THEM to do it. BTW I have tried night vision binoculars, thermal cams and everything in between and for the most part, using your senses and your common sense will keep you safe. Slow down to a crawl if it seems the right thing to do. These folks had a bad experience. I don’t know the details so I won’t throw stones, it is just unfortunate.
I am confused where this happened. Did he leave from Halls? Headed to BF? Is this the big point that guards the mouth of BF bay just across from the Halls buoy field?
He was leaving Halls going to BF. To the left of the buoy in this pic is where he hit -- This pic was taken after the wreck was cleared. I'm not 100% sure, but I do not believe this is the first main point when entering BF Bay (where the big wall travels downriver that you are eluding to). This point was slightly up and into the bay, but just barely. Until I read the above, I did not know he left at 10:00 p.m. It was a miserable day (Thursday had heavy rain during the day), but I don't think it was raining in the evening. I do not travel at night; it is so disorientating.

If you think the buoy means clear sailing on either side of the buoy, that was not the case. Anything to the left of the buoy is trouble, and he must have been 25-50 to the left of the buoy (roughly) when he hit.

I am glad to see that the family is slowly recovering -- My best to all ---


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Of course there are so many holes in this story.....and Monday morning quarterbacking is so easy......

But my first thought is...So.... he works there, he knows the lake, did he think he's an expert? What do you think? :unsure:

...... was he 'really' using a GPS?? Could 'the GPS was off' be a convenient handy useful alibi??

'Opps...not MY fault......let's sue Garmin!!!' I'm not a 'captain'.....I'm just a bus driver.......' See where this goes??

So, yes we are all beyond sorry & empathetic for everyone's pain and now long term recovery issues.....

BUT......the captain is always responsible for the safety of the craft and it's passengers.

Once we let captains shift blame....IMHO....that's a very slippery slope......

Again, so sorry for the pain and anguish of all......but didn't they trust the Captain to make sure they were safe & provide safe passage???

When you take control of a vessel, aren't you in control of the safety of the passengers?

Just MHO.......

Your Thoughts???


Edit: IMHO, this is an attorney's dream......well, 'wet' dream cuz it's at the lake.....on a boat.

Bill, do you know any attorneys?

The only attorneys I know are on the lake right now disguised as rattle snakes.
In one of the threads awhile back I think there was mention that the fuel barge for Dangling Rope used to run 24/7. Can't imagine making the 50 mile run from Wahweap to DR in the pitch dark. I guess those captains get pretty good at it.
Early 90's, They had a tower on the back for the Captain.
Usually an ice truck or trailer on the deck.
Lit up like a forty dollar yo-yo.
Lake was at full pool then and the gas boat was easy to stay away from.
Not sure I would call it a barge, they moved pretty quick .
Early 90's, They had a tower on the back for the Captain.
Usually an ice truck or trailer on the deck.
Lit up like a forty dollar yo-yo.
Lake was at full pool then and the gas boat was easy to stay away from.
Not sure I would call it a barge, they moved pretty quick .
Nice! It must have been a big vessel to have a truck and trailer on deck. Very cool. Forty dollar yo-yo, noted!
I am confused where this happened. Did he leave from Halls? Headed to BF? Is this the big point that guards the mouth of BF bay just across from the Halls buoy field?
It was on the corner across from Halls just before turning to head up to Bullfrog. We saw the wreckage just before the salvage crews got there. If they would of been 100' to the starboard they would have been fine.
Extremely poorly written article. Never once mentioned they were boating at night. “Leaving Halls Crossing“ makes you think they were driving on the road. Very disappointing KSL.

I know exactly what happened. He did not let his chart plotter lock onto the satellites before he took off. He thought he was on his track, but his track was inaccurate because he wasn’t communicating with the satellites. I’ve done the exact same thing. I never hit anything but I learned my lesson. Always turn your chart plotter on first thing, even before you start your engines. Make sure it’s locked on before you leave.
I too questioned them saying the GPS was off 200 feet!
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