70 Trillion Gallons of Water....

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Escalante-Class Member
This is how much has dumped on Texas so far and more on the way. I cannot even imagine getting that much rain. Prayers for our Texas friends. They've started dumping water out of two dams tonight to save the dams from breaking and downtown Houston from flooding, all this water is pouring into already badly-flooded neighborhoods.
And now it is circling back around and going to dump on them until Wednesday before it finally finds an opening to get out of there and heads up over Shreveport and then up across the SE before it goes out into the Atlantic [where another storm is forming off South Carolina. This storm was trapped w/o anywhere to go, the high pressure sitting over Four Corners had it blocked from the West, the high pressure over southern Florida had it trapped to the East and a cold spell north of the storm had it blocked from the North so he just sits out there traveling around and gathering more water from being over the gulf and refueling.... Truly a interesting set of circumstances, but a disaster for SE Texas.
At this time, my Houston family members are still in their homes and have power. Just saw on the news that stores still open are charging up to $100 for a case of water. Texas Atty General is already going after them! Despicable!
Weather Channel said 26 inches of rain is enough to fill 386,000 football stadiums with water. Houston's Bush International so far just under 29" and more coming as the storm moves back onshore with renewed energy. Those poor people......... just saw video of a horse stable of some sort with the water up to the neck of the horses left behind. Hopefully since they were taking pictures someone will rescue them in time.

Weather Channel thinks it "may" be calming down a little bit.
Local weather just posted 9 trillion gallons so far as of Tuesday evening. I assume that is a Southeast Texas/Greater Houston Metro number.

- Could fill Great Salt Lake Twice.
- Would cover the city of New Orleans in 128 FEET of water.
- Could cover the lower 48 states in 0.17 inches of water.

There is water almost everywhere. Lake Houston is currently in our front yard but not yet in the house. And we live 1/2 mile away from the lake. There are literally dozens upon dozens of places where ordinary citizens of all political views, races and religions have self-organized rescues using personal boats and private businesses as temporary shelters; eight separate places that I know of within 10 miles of my house.

I have spent the last 10 years wishing I could leave Houston to go back west, but right know I am proud of where I live. The images on the news remind me of Katrina, but the spirit, organization and sense of hope are amazing. If you wish to help, pick the charity of choice. The one I prefer is JJ Watt's. Google YouCaring.com/JJWatt to find it.
We live north of Houston in The Woodlands and were at Powell up until Thursday the 28th. We'd been checking weather at home occasionally but didn't know there was a hurricane on the way until the night before we pulled offlake. We get one trip to the lake annually so we wanted to make the best of our time there. We got on the road for home early Friday morning and hightailed for Texas knowing we really didn't know what we'd run into weather wise. Arrived home Saturday around 4pm and unloaded and the rain started falling about 5pm and didn't stop for the next 3 days straight. We have lived here for the past 18 years and have been thru Allison, Katrin, Rita, Ike, and now horrible Harvey. Each of these storms has been different and hit in different locations and each has left its own mark in some way or another in the region. I can't complain as we were lucky and haven't had any damage this time. I know folks who've been flooded multiple times and it's devastating. Not knowing how a storm is going to end is stressful and nerve wracking. I have watched the events of the past several days unfold and I have been amazed at how many folks have helped their fellow citizens survive this ordeal. The outpouring of contributions of money, supplies, donated time etc is phenomenal. People coming in from other cities, counties and states to help too. Last night the news showed 150 police offices arriving from San Antonio and Ft Worth to help out. It was like the Calvary had arrived. HPD needed a break. We've had the Cajun Navy and many other groups come in and rescue people from the floods. No one asked them they just showed up. They spend their own money too. Locals helping locals and there's too many heroes to mention. The Texas spirit is alive and well and is incredible. Texas WILL get thru this but it'll take a while. God Bless Texas!
TuscontoTexas I so hope that you and yours are are still high,dry, and safe. We are also from the SW and think we might go back when we retire. We used to live within two hours of Lake Powell and were able to enjoy it a lot more often but can only enjoy the lake once a year now so we really try to make the best of our time there. After the events of the past several days I feel the same sense of pride that you do.

Oh and JJ Watt ROCKS!!
Glad you are safe, Deb. Feel so bad for the people who have lost everything, but the stories of heroism are amazing, wish the media concentrated on the good deeds instead of trying to create news out of nothing...

Last I heard JJ Watts had raised over 15 million - started out asking for 100,000. Goes to prove once again how generous every day American's are! The other morning Fox and Friends showed a video taken by someone who was passing the Cajun Navy on the side of the road and the line of vehicles and boats went on for miles and miles... but my favorite has to be the guy with the big wheel vehicle pulling a army truck out of the water. that is just so Southern! The video in the link below - you can't help but smile when you watch it.

At this time, my Houston family members are still in their homes and have power. Just saw on the news that stores still open are charging up to $100 for a case of water. Texas Atty General is already going after them! Despicable!

Heard on the radio out of Corpus Christi that people convicted of price gouging face a $20,000 fine. However, if someone is convicted of price gouging a person/persons ages 65+, the fine is $250,000.

You are correct, it is completely despicable.
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