$6.06 for Ice - You've got to be kidding

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Staff member
Warning- a bit of a rant

As many of you know I'm in the process of trying to put a freezer on board our HB. Ice at $5.27 a bag last year put me over the edge. Please tell me what rationale in the world, other than supply being controlled by a monopoly, can justify $6.06 for a $10 lb bag of ice that sells for $2.99 anywhere else in the US
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Ice prices like that will help make my new coolers pay off just that much faster. Not that its a good thing, just helps me justify spending too much money to keep drinks cold. Honestly, when you add the price of ice and terrible fuel mileage to get to the marina, it makes these new coolers seem a bit less expensive....
@PowellBride look at the bright side. It may be expensive, but at least it doesn't seem to be frozen very solid as it also melts quicker than what I would buy at a regular store......
I keep telling my husband that I don’t consider the pre-melted ice to be a benefit, and someone needs to tell their marketing department that while Alaska likes pre-melted ice, not so much at Powell
Buy a 12x12 cake pan and make your own. I put 6 12x12x3 inch blocks in my 90 quart fish cooler on my last trip and after 3 days of constantly opening it to put fish in I still had about half left at the end of the trip. Cake pan cost me 25 bucks and already paid for itself.
Warning- a bit of a rant

As many of you know I'm in the process of trying to put a freezer on board our HB. Ice at $5.27 a bag last year put me over the edge. Please tell me what rationale in the world, other than supply being controlled by a monopoly, can justify $6.06 for a $10 lb bag of ice that sells for $2.99 anywhere else in the US

10 lb bags are $1.99 here in Havasu. 7 lb is .99cents at the 99 cent store... but the high price of ice at Powell is one reason we started taking a cooler with blocks of ice and dry ice on top - when the ice we brought from home was gone then we started using it and it lasted a lot longer because the dry ice froze it so solid.
I have several hundred bucks invested in my Canyon Coolers. It is an investment that pays dividends over and over at Powell. I figure I save $60 per trip, with gas saved, and money spent on ice, NOT having to make a marina run just for ice. The time saved for inconvenience is priceless. I go for 5 days, and bring ice home now :cool:
LOL! Premelted ice is more expensive than a gallon of fuel? I load up on both before I go to the lake. Even in a pinch, I would cringe at $5.30 a gallon fuel. $6 ice is ridiculous but I bet people pay it
Every year, the gas station at Bullfrog raises the price of gas by about 50 cents a gallon the day before the Bullfrog Open
I have also invested in a high end cooler because of the lost time running for ice.
I have several hundred bucks invested in my Canyon Coolers. It is an investment that pays dividends over and over at Powell. I figure I save $60 per trip, with gas saved, and money spent on ice, NOT having to make a marina run just for ice. The time saved for inconvenience is priceless. I go for 5 days, and bring ice home now :cool:
I have several hundred bucks invested in my Canyon Coolers. It is an investment that pays dividends over and over at Powell. I figure I save $60 per trip, with gas saved, and money spent on ice, NOT having to make a marina run just for ice. The time saved for inconvenience is priceless. I go for 5 days, and bring ice home now :cool:
Where did you get the Canyon Coolers??? Price?? sizes??/ AND BTW did everyone hear Yeti has coped out on the NRA??? They no longer support the kids shooting programs!!:mad: Not that I would ever buy those hi priced ones anyway!!:LOL:
We also freeze our own ice and bring it with us from home. If you use old milk jugs, 2 litre pop bottles, etc. they last pretty well and when they do melt you have additional drinking water. It is less of a mess in the cooler with the ice/water contained too.

My aunt taught me that keeping the ice up above and out of the water helps to make it last longer. She would fill the bottom of the cooler with drinks, put the block ice on top of them and keep an eye on it to make sure the water didn't reach the ice. It definitely makes a big difference.

Of course, all of this is less of an issue on the south end, as others have stated ice is available for around $2 a bag in Page and if you are buying your groceries in Page, you don't have to deal with keeping them cold on the trip from home to the lake either. Just sayin'.

As for the expensive coolers' I watched a video of a guy cutting a Yeti and a Coleman cooler in half, there was very little difference in the amount of foam. The main difference was the thickness of the plastic, not sure how much of a benefit that really provides for the exorbitant price.
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