Keeper of San Juan Secrets
Seven fellow fisherman boarded a 46' rental houseboat on Thurs. night 5/11 and took off at daybreak pulling 3 boats heading to Rock Creek. Arrived at Rock Creek around 1 pm and found a perfect beach hooked behind a rock that gave us great protection. Immediately started fishing off the back deck and got into smb. caught with chartruese grubs and medium sized crankbait in an irridescent cream color. My group was full of pranksters and the first set up happened. I was asked to get something out of a top cabinet. When I opened it, some monkey had tied fish line to the inside of the door and a small plastic rattle snake was pulled out when I opened the door, making it look like it was jumping out at me. Gotta love your friends. /scared the crap out of me, much laughter HaHaHa. We decided to stick together and hit the back of Rock Creek. That plan fizzled with the first rocky structure,one boat stopped and the rest of us kept heading towards the back but peeling off at each rock fall. We all fished for about 5 hours and caught a bunch of medium sized smb, a half dozen walleye and 3 lmb. Went back to the boat and planned for the next day. The w*#@ was supposed to be about 20 mph with gusts to 40 so we didn't want to get to far from camp. In the morning we hit the islands just before Dungeon and caught about 10 smb in an hour and then headed to Neanderthal where we trolled ,catching a few walleye, a couple blue gill and several smb. One boat anchored and chummed in
stripers catching 10, all healthy looking. The rest of the trip was about the same, very active fishing. One cool thing to report was one guy that I haven't seen in 14 years pulled his boat all the way from Lamar Colorado on the Kansas border. He caught smb, lmb,walleye(his first)striper,a crappy and bluegill. He was thrilled. The next day some monkey tied the rattler to to a rock and laid fishing line over the sand. Of course I hooked the line with my shoe and pulled the rattler out of the sand. I'd like to say that it didn't bother me. All in all a great trip with crank baits taking the prize for most fish. I love fishing with grubs and did very well though..Many more walleye and lmb this trip than in the past. I highly recommend Middle Rock Creek and Dry Rock Creek as well.
stripers catching 10, all healthy looking. The rest of the trip was about the same, very active fishing. One cool thing to report was one guy that I haven't seen in 14 years pulled his boat all the way from Lamar Colorado on the Kansas border. He caught smb, lmb,walleye(his first)striper,a crappy and bluegill. He was thrilled. The next day some monkey tied the rattler to to a rock and laid fishing line over the sand. Of course I hooked the line with my shoe and pulled the rattler out of the sand. I'd like to say that it didn't bother me. All in all a great trip with crank baits taking the prize for most fish. I love fishing with grubs and did very well though..Many more walleye and lmb this trip than in the past. I highly recommend Middle Rock Creek and Dry Rock Creek as well.